XO 1.75 A1

Revision as of 15:08, 13 October 2010 by Wad (talk | contribs) (Documentation)
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XO-1.75 Laptop Alpha test model, also known as A-test or A1.


The A1 are the first prototypes of the XO-1.75 built. The A1 bring up is happening in late Oct., 2010.

The number of boards obtained will be small, and distribution will be limited to hardware testing and OFW and Linux kernel driver development.


  • Bare circuit board, no case or display


Software Support

XO-1.75 use Q4xxx firmware releases. These will not work on an XO-1 or XO-1.5. For the first time, Open Firmware is provided as part of the Linux image, and the EC firmware is separate.

A Linux image for the A1 is available at ?.

To install on an XO-1.5, you can run:

zcat os175.img.gz > /dev/hda


Functional testing of the A1 prototypes will be ongoing.


Supporting documentation for these boards (all in PDF):

Please note that production boards will likely have different pin mappings and connector locations.

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