
Revision as of 18:21, 15 September 2006 by Duke (talk | contribs) (060915)
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software that processes twext method text
software that gets text twext
basic functions for twexter may include
• FORMAT bifocal bitext in alignment
• EDIT chunk interface input windows
• XCROLL two input windows; one control
• SLOP select language option menus
• ADDLANG add languages to interface
• PREFS let user personalize interface 


simply, twexter formats twext method text
various format outputs are possible, including 
formats acheiving bifocal bitext intent
c code might work


editing twext may require two input windows
1. text input
2. twext input

chunk interface

align text and twext inputs for easy edit

             text input  twext input
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   
|                     | |                       |
|          each chunk | | cada trozo            |
|         on new line | | en nueva linea        |
|                     | |                       |
|     one empty space | | un sólo renglón vacio |
|   between sentences | | entre frases          |
|      or lyric lines | | o renglónes de letra  |
|                     | |                       |
|                     | |                       |
|    two empty spaces | | dos renglones vacios  |
|  between paragraphs | | entre paragrafos      |
|         or choruses | | o coros               |
|                     | |                       |
 - - - - - - - - - - -   - - - - - - - - - - - -  


single scroll-bar controls two textinput windows
xcroll function mantains line-by-line alignment of 
a. text input
b. twext input
enables easy edit of associated text/twext chunks:

                   XCROLL UP
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   
|         on new line | | en nueva linea        |
|                     | |                       |
|     one empty space | | un sólo renglón vacio |
|   between sentences | | entre frases          |
|      or lyric lines | | o renglónes de letra  |
|                     | |                       |
|                     | |                       |
|    two empty spaces | | dos renglones vacios  |
|  between paragraphs | | entre paragrafos      |
|         or choruses | | o coros               |
|                     | |                       |
|                     | |                       |
|         xcroll down | | xcrolear pa'bajo      |
|       to edit twext | | para editar twext     |
 - - - - - - - - - - -   - - - - - - - - - - - -  

                  XCROLL DOWN

xcroll tool placement between text/twext inputs
may make it easier to use

numbered lines may be useful future enhancement


manual alignment of text/twext input hurts..
xcroll automatically aligns each line of text 
with each associated line of twext, enabling:

edit twext

xcroll makes it easier to edit text/twext input
with each chunk clearly associated, line by line

edit wiki?

xcroll might also adapt to more easily edit wikis, 
providing side-by-side preview and edit windows,
eliminating current need to
a. review preview
b. scroll down to edit window
c. scroll within edit window
d. scroll back up to preview
e. repeat recursively
f. preview, save 

replace above a. b. c. d. e. f. with:
a. xcroll down while making fixes
b. preview, save 

DEMO links to a
current student demo using javascripts
1. beehive.js
2. dynscrollbar.js

demo may be buggy.. 
solution should be robust

similar tools?


select language option menu
slop select language option menus 
let user select/identify languages combined
in bifocal bitext alignment

slop menus are specified in detail at


add languages to wixi using xcroll interface


* enable multiple languages, dialects etc to get twext
* enable hybrid languages to get twext (ie spanglish)
* enable "unofficial" slangs (ie cockney) to get twext
* provide simple method to add any language to system


wikis may already have translation interfaces
wixi might enable the full interface to appear
in bifocal bitext, which may offer useful
familiar context for user learning new language 


chunk interface may be useful for translation of:
1. required bare-bones interface words
2. simple guides in twext format 

addlang chunk interface

 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/\  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _    
|                     ||                       |
|                 add || añandir               |
|            language || lenguaje              |
|         translation || traducción            |
|                text || texto                 |
|              format || formato               |
|               lyric || letra                 |
|              simple || simple                |
|               title || título                |
|             preview || prevista              |
|               error || error                 |
|                edit || editar                |
|                save || grabar                |
|               title || título                |
|              search || buscar                |
|             my talk || mi charla             |
|         preferences || preferencias          |
|           watchlist || noseque               |
|    my contributions || mis contribuciones    |
|             log out || adios amigos          |
 - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - -   


user preferences to control interface


if 100's of languages, dialects, slangs get twext
individual users may want to exclude most of 'em


individual users may also prefer to control
* variable visibility of twext text
* mut views of grammar, pronunciation etc
* etc


if wixi purpose is dialog to improve language methods
then [twexter] may be useful participant in the process
if programmers revive twexter software, we'll find out
