
Revision as of 14:10, 4 October 2007 by Mikehahn (talk | contribs)
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OlpcProject.png Mike Hahn, volunteers welcome!

Treenimation is a software tool used for creating web-based (real-time), multiplayer board games (as well as email-based board games). Subsequent versions of Treenimation will add support for games with 2D animation, and ultimately 3D animation. Treenimation includes a powerful yet easy-to-learn object-oriented scripting language called Treescript.

I am Mike Hahn, the creator of Treenimation. I am currently in the early stages of implementing Treenimation for Windows, using Delphi. I am hoping to recruit one or more Linux programmers to develop Treenimation for the XO laptop.



The Treenimation web site is now ready for public consumption. Thanks to AlbertCahalan for pointing me away from C# and towards Free Pascal. I look forward to installing Linux (on my old computer) in the very near future, and installing Free Pascal.