Calculator Miscellaneous Tab Test caseOS119

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Test Case ID Category Feature Description Prerequisite Test Description Input Data Expected Result No Of TC combination Status (Pass/Fail) Defect Id
1.6 Verify the Miscellaneous tab in Calculator Activity
CAL_P1.6 UI Verify the features of the miscellaneous tab in Calculator activity User is in calculator activity window.
  1. Click on the miscellaneous Tab
  2. Check the features of the miscellaneous tab
Navigate to the miscellaneous Tab and the following features should be displayed.
  • Pi (π)
  • e
  • Plot
  • Degrees/Radians
  • Exponent/Scientific notation
  • Number of shown digits
1 Pass
CAL_P1.6.1 FUN Verify the functionality of Pi (π). User is in miscellaneous Tab window.
  1. Enter the value
  2. Enter whatever operand
  3. Click on Pi (π).
  4. Click on enter.
2*pi 2*pi = 6.2831853 1 Pass
CAL_P1.6.2 FUN Verify the functionality of e. User is in miscellaneous Tab window.
  1. Enter the value
  2. Enter whatever operand
  3. Click on e.
  4. Click on enter.
2*e 2*e = 5.43656365 1 Pass
CAL_P1.6.3 UI Verify the features of Plot. User is in miscellaneous Tab window.
  1. Move the cursor on plot button.
  2. Check the features of the plot
System should display listed features like
  • Plot
  • Help
1 Pass
CAL_P1.6.3.1 FUN Verify the functionality of Plot. User is in miscellaneous Tab window.
  1. Click on Plot.
  2. Within the brackets enter the functionality & give range. Eg:- plot(x-1,x=2..7)
  3. Click on enter.
System showed the related graph. 1 Pass
CAL_P1.6.3.2 FUN Verify the functionality of Help. User is in miscellaneous Tab window.
  1. Click on Help button.
  2. Click on enter.
System should display "plot(eqn,var=-a..b), plot the equation 'eqn' with the variable 'var' in the range from a to b 1 Pass
CAL_P1.6.4 FUN Verify the functionality of Degrees/Radians. User is in miscellaneous Tab window.
  1. Click on Degrees/Radians.
  2. Click on enter.
  • deg
  • rad
2 Fail Tickect #1111
CAL_P1.6.5 FUN Verify the functionality of Exponent/Scientific notation. User is in miscellaneous Tab window.
  1. Click on Exponent/Scientific notation.
  2. Click on enter.
  • sci
  • exp
2 On Hold
CAL_P1.6.6 FUN Verify the functionality of Number of shown digits. User is in miscellaneous Tab window..
  1. Click on Number of shown digits.
  2. Click on enter.
  • 9
  • 12
  • 15
  • 6
4 Pass