Cambridge Science Festival 2008
The Cambridge Science Festival is a 9 day celebration of science and technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. April 26 – May 4.
The Greater Boston Chapter/ACM is putting together an OLPC related event or two. Last year, Jim Getty gave a talk.
This year...
- Game storyboarding.
- Gathering of Boston area G1G1 people, and people running emulators.
Could the storyboarding idea be integrated with the G1G1+emulators SIG idea to get synergy?
Other ideas
- I can blog this in a few days, when you have had a chance to play with it. MitchellNCharity 22:10, 7 December 2007 (EST)
Could the storyboarding idea be expanded to OLPC in general? One way for children in deployments to interact with the outside world would be for them to sketch the software they would like to have, and the world can create it or assist in its creation. MitchellNCharity 22:27, 7 December 2007 (EST)
Game storyboarding
Game Jams take several days, and participants need to be skilled developers. We need something which only takes half a day or so, and is accessible to the general public. One possibility is to have a Game Storyboarding Jam. Teams create games, but instead of having to implement them, instead they create storyboards. The storyboards are finially photographed onto the wiki. Perhaps if some smalltalk people are interested, they could even do rapid prototypes of some of the storyboards. Demo XO; discuss capabilities; how to storyboard; "competition".
Perhaps involve local artists. Local computer game designers. Local smalltalk folks.
The event might create a prototype for a "Jam"-like event which involves the general public and is of more limited duration.
- Writing & Storyboarding for Interactive Games