Category talk:Fundraising idea

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I work in a company that has been doing fundraising for over a quarter of a century for the biggest, most successful nonprofit organizations in the world (Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, American Red Cross, etc.). Perhaps there is a way we could help ensure that the “two weeks give one get one” strategy starting November 12th launches your company further into the success you so rightly deserve.

Please give me a call when you have a chance or direct me to the person I should be speaking to.


Onward, Colin 310-788-9000, ext 121

Target governments giving aid rather than the governments of the countries needing the computers.

There is significant donation of funds to governments in developing countries, from governments in developed countries.

I understand that at the moment you primarily liaise with the governments in developing countries, in order for them to buy the pcs. An alternative route would be to target and market to the governments who give financial aid to these developing countries and suggest that instead of some of the financial aid that they place the large orders for the pcs which you require and give these to the developing countries (in lieu of some financial aid).

The benefits of this route include the reduction of corruption which many developing governments suffer from, large orders placed by donating governments which could then be delivered to a number of different developing nations.

Clearly there would need to be sufficient liaisons between the donating and receiving countries, in order to ensure the computers get to where they are needed, and governments may have to justify why they use olpc rather than other competitor companies, although they could split the orders with a number of you and your competitors if necessary.

I hope this helps OLPC fulfil its aims.
