Change the World stories

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Change the World Stories

Not only does the Change the World program offer opportunities for countries to donate laptops to specified locations, but it also offers the same opportunity for individuals and organizations who wish to build a story of learning for their children, through the gift of the XO.

Some of these admirable individuals and organizations have started their own programs, or have raised funds to support programs that are passionate about the gift of learning for their children. Some of these include stories from Pennsylvania to Afghanistan.

St. Vincent, St. John, Haiti, Florida, Nicaragua

Waveplace, based in Pennsylvania, raises money to purchase laptops for Carribean Children and creates training materials that teach digital media skills, while inspiring teachers to use computers in new ways. They've provided XOs to children in the US Virgin Islands, Haiti, Florida and Nicaragua.

More Info or Related Link(s): Waveplace

St Vincent de Paul Center (Chicago)

A Generous donation from a St. Vincent de Paul Center fund provided 1,000 laptops to children, 500 to local children and 500 to children in Ethiopia.

More info or related link(s):

Pictures: Coming Soon

One Laptop Per Child/South Carolina

A statewide partnership between the South Carolina Department of Education and the non-profit Palmetto Project whose vision is to provide educational laptops to all elementary students in South Carolina.

More Info or Related Link(s):

Pictures: Coming Soon

ARO (Afghanistan)

Paramount Classics and DreamWorks Pictures have made a commitment to donate 500 XO laptops through One Laptop per Child (OLPC) in 2008. ARO will distribute the donated XO laptops to students attending its school in Kabul.

More Info or Related Link(s):

Pictures: Coming Soon

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