Coordination OLPC Community eHumanities

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Sven AERTS <> 2013 10 29 - 4:44 PM (12 minutes ago)

to sally.wyatt Dear Sally,

i'm a member of the OLPC open community.

Do you see any way to collaborate with me / the OLPC community ?

Just to give you an update: All kids in Uruguay, Peru, several Island States, just about all kids in Ruanda and soon Australia have an XO-XS laptop, and this since 2010. There is a revolution going on there and we don't hear anything about it here. The only thing I hear are some over-excited iPad projects. When asked why they didn't opt for the XO laptop that can be flipped back into a tabbled too, people look sideways for 10 seconds and then continue with their iPad excitement.

Would you be interested in e.g. setting up a laboratory where the educational landscape actors can at least come to and see and feel and experiment with an XO-XS set-up? And give some of our researchers, students at least a chance to hop on this project?

Again: Is there room for an open source - open hardware ICT project in the EU educational landscape and what's the the impact on peadogogy and the educational landscape in Europe and worldwide? What's the European landscape vision and input in this? What's your vision - ehumanities vision on this?

Would you like to join a team that's going to apply for a Horizon 2020 budget for an olpc lab project or something in these lines?

Looking forward to your answer.

Sincerely, skype: SvenAERTS +32 2 7 876 7 21 fix +32 487 580 265 gsm (base)