Curriculum Jam Peru
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In A Nutshell
Curriculum Jam Peru<br\> Where: {{{location}}}<br\> When: December 2007<br\> Goal: In 3 days, create a complete set of learning acivities that takes advantage of XO hardware and test them with local teachers and schoolchildren.
Summary of the event coming here soon.
What is a Jam?
An OLPC Jam is a content creation crunch that gets participants from idea to reality in just a few days. By the end of the Jam, you'll have something finished to test with local schoolchildren (who serve as judges for the event). It's a great way to get started developing for OLPC. Click here to learn more.
I want to participate!
Jams are collaboratively organized events, so the best way to get started is to just dive in and introduce yourself. Participating in this Jam? Have ideas? Want to coordinate rides, teams, projects, or talk about the Jam? Edit the Jam Talk Page!
About the Curriculum Jam
A Curriculum Jam is an OLPC Jam devoted towards producing curricula (or more generally, learning activities - a complete experience that a student or a group of students can do either alone or with a teacher in order to learn something).
What we're making
You can make anything you want during the Jam, as long as it fits these three criteria.
- It must be entirely open-content, public domain.
- It must be designed for children ages 6-16.
- It must be developed in Spanish
- It must work on an XO. XO laptops will be available throughout the Jam for testing.
The Jam will be split into development tracks centered around a particular subject.
- Science, Math, Nature, experiments
- We have many Optics Discovery Kit. The Optics Discovery Kit provides educators with classroom tools and optics lessons. We want to use the XO cam with this kit and develop new activities and experiments.
- Osciloscope. Develop a set of low cost sensors (USB).
- Language, writing, composition
- Arts, music
- Remix the CD Libre
Curriculum Jam is being run by Cultura Libre ( chapter in Peru). It is an intense event with discussions, demos, and interaction from participants.
Visit our Blog (in Spanish)