Discussion of eBook feature set/Actual
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Browsing View
- Bookmarks
- Shown as folded corner
- Toggle using mouse cursor
- Annotations
- Use XO color-coded icon
- Confined to single column
- Hover over column (w/ no icon) shows icon / hilites block
- Clicking icon shows popup to add/view
- Use XO color-coded icon
- Font Size Control (Yet to be defined)
TOC (Hyper Zoom) View
- Four levels
- View all (headers/contents/etc.)
- All headers + first line of text
- All headers
- H1 headers only
- Annotation icons are collapsed by header
- If you've annotated, your icon is on top
- Otherwise, most annotated user is on top
- Cluster if there's multiple (horizontal? cluster?)
- Bookmarked state is shown next to header
- Each header is focusable
Section Scroll View
- Quickly move between next/prev sections
- Menu for fast movement/view
eBook View
- Broken up into two columns
- Each column is a semi-page
- Done by IFrames
- Right-hand column is current
- Left-hand column starts as blank
- Page is shown in the header
- Either defined by the publisher (p. 17)
- Defined by current (Sub) Section
- Must watch font size to determine column height
- Each column is a semi-page
- Bookmarks
- Shown as a folded corner
- Add/Remove using 'B'
- Navigation
- Up (Prev Focus)
- Down (Next Focus)
- Left (Prev Page)
- Right (Next Page)
- A (Perform Action on Currently Focused Item)
- Show Annotation (Popup)
- Visit Link
- View Footnote (Popup)
- Headers are focusable too
- B (Add bookmark to current section)
- X (Hyper Zoom)
- Y (Section Scroll)
- Each are modifier keys to Up/Down
- Hitting Up moves menu up
- Menu centered in screen (w/ up/down arrows)
- See the effect in the background
- Release of button hides menu
- Hitting the button shows menu briefly
- Editing
- Inline-Level
- Bold
- Italic
- Underline
- Mono
- Links
- Has contextual menu
- All selections expand to the word boundary
- Contextual menu on selection
- Hover to preview change
- Option is dull until active
- Display context in things that have style or selection
- Selection within style (undoing) effects only selection
- Auto-convert stars, etc. on enter/space
- Can undo last action
- Block-Level
- Blockquote
- Hit tab at start to make it
- Hit backspace or shift-tab at start to un-indent
- Triple enter ends block
- Paragraph
- Raw
- Lists
- Headings
- No endlines
- Kill all inline styles
- Contextual (H1, H1 or H2, etc.)
- Can write =...=, triggered on enter
- Can select block by clicking margin
- If block is selected, show contextual menu
- (includes inline styles, inclusive)
- Check for characters on start of line
- Auto-make bullet, order-list, Headers
- Blockquote
- Inline-Level