Ejabberd resource tests/try 1

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First try: 523 accounts, single client machine

Mostly by accident, 523 ejabberd accounts were created. These accounts were used in 25 connection increments, connecting from just one client.

The memory numbers were gathered after the load had settled after a few minutes. Peak use was perhaps 10% higher.

 Clients  interval  mem     load avg     client OK     server OK
   1      15         69      0.01         True          True
  50      15         72      0.02         True          True
 100      15         68      0.12         True          True
 125      15         74      0.08         True          True
 150      15         82      0.22         True          True
 175      15         84      0.24         True          True
 200      15         92      0.21         True          True
 225      15         96      0.06         True          True
 250      15        101      0.13         True          True
 275      15        103      0.09         False         True
 300      15        107       -           False         True
 350      15         89       -           False         True

Note: from 275 up the client crashed before the numbers had time to settle.


This is probably best viewed as a steady linear increase, with the low numbers hidden by a noise floor. Seen like that, there seems to be a memory footprint of 47MB + 22MB per 100 clients. Extrapolating to 3000 clients would add to about 700 MB, though that is a very long way to extrapolate.
