Forth Lesson 15/Example/Scope

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An example of how to use the scope keys.

scan-wifi calls scan-subtree, which calls wifi-children for each device node.

: wifi-children 
   " device_type" get-property if
   " wireless-network" $= if
      " scan-wifi" method-name 2!            \ fda31c70 

Our goal is to step into the code inside the second if.

ok debug wifi-children
ok scan-wifi
  • first pass, the cursor will be on the first word, so step to the exit and press < to constrain the scope, then space to exit the definition,
  • second pass, the cursor will be on the get-encoded-string, so step to the second if and press < again to constrain the scope, then space until the definition exits,
  • third pass, the cursor will be on the ;, so press ) to constrain the end of the scope, then space to exit the definition.

On the fourth pass, the cursor will be on " scan-wifi" as desired.