Heart Sutra

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In order to test the process for creating Sword read modules, User:Mokurai is starting with the Buddhist Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra, the Scripture of the Heart of Perfect Wisdom. Versions exist in Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, Mongolian, English, and other languages. Dictionaries and commentaries to follow. The Sword module format supports extensive cross-referencing, requiring appropriate markup of sources.


In progress.


The following examples give some indication of issues concerning writing systems, translation, and glosses. There are also numerous commentaries in many languages.



एवं मया श्रुतम्। एकस्मिन् समये भगवान् राजगृहे विहरति स्म गृध्रकूटे पर्वते महता भिक्षुसंघेन सार्धं महता च बोधिसत्त्वसंघेन। तेन खलु समयेन भगवान् गम्भीरावसंबोधं नाम समाधिं समापन्नः। तेन च समयेन आर्यावलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वो गम्भीरायां प्रज्ञापारमितायां चर्यां चरमाणः एवं व्यवलोकयति स्म। पञ्च स्कन्धांस्तांश्च स्वभावशून्यं व्यवलोकयति॥

अथायुष्मान् शारिपुत्रो बुद्धानुभावेन आर्यावलोकितेश्वरं बोधिसत्त्वमेतदवोचत्- यः कश्चित् कुलपुत्रो [वा कुलदुहिता वा अस्यां] गम्भीरायां प्रज्ञापारमितायां चर्यां चर्तुकामः, कथं शिक्षितव्यः ? एवमुक्ते आर्यावलोकितेश्वरो बोधिसत्त्वो महासत्त्वः आयुष्मन्तं शारिपुत्रमेतदवोचत्- यः कश्चिच्छारिपुत्र कुलपुत्रो व कुलदुहिता वा [अस्यां] गम्भीरायां प्रज्ञापारमितायां चर्यां चर्तुकामः, तेनैवं व्यवलोकितव्यम्-पञ्च स्कन्धांस्तांश्च स्वभावशून्यान् समनुपश्यति स्म। रूपं शून्यता, शून्यतैव रूपम्। रूपान्न पृथक् शून्यता, शून्यताया न पृथग् रूपम्। यद्रूपं सा शून्यता, या शून्यता तद्रूपम्। एवं वेदनासंज्ञासंस्कारविज्ञानानि च शून्यता। एवं शारिपुत्र सर्वधर्माः शून्यतालक्षणा अनुत्पन्ना अनिरुद्धा अमला विमला अनूना असंपूर्णाः। तस्मात्तर्हि शारिपुत्र शून्यतायां न रूपम्, न वेदना, स संज्ञा, न संस्काराः, न विज्ञानम्, न चक्षुर्न श्रोत्रं न घ्राणं न जिह्वा न कायो न मनो न रूपं न शब्दो न गन्धो न रसो न स्प्रष्टव्यं न धर्मः। न चक्षुर्धातुर्यावन्न मनोधातुर्न धर्मधातुर्न मनोविज्ञानधातुः। न विद्या नाविद्या न क्षयो यावन्न जरामरणं न जरामरणक्षयः, न दुःखसमुदयनिरोधमार्गा न ज्ञानं न प्राप्तिर्नाप्राप्तिः। तस्माच्छारिपुत्र अप्राप्तित्वेन बोधिसत्त्वानां प्रज्ञापारमितामाश्रित्य विहरति चित्तावरणः। चित्तावरणनास्तित्वादत्रस्तो विपर्यासातिक्रान्तो निष्ठनिर्वाणः। त्र्यध्वव्यवस्थिताः सर्वबुद्धाः प्रज्ञापारमितामाश्रित्य अनुत्तरां सम्यक्संबोधिमभिसंबुद्धाः। तस्माद् ज्ञातव्यः प्रज्ञापारमितामहामन्त्रः अनुत्तरमन्त्रः असमसममन्त्रः सर्वदुःखप्रशमनमन्त्रः सत्यममिथ्यत्वात् प्रज्ञापारमितायामुक्तो मन्त्रः। तद्यथा- गते गते पारगते पारसंगते बोधि स्वाहा। एवं शारिपुत्र गम्भीरायां प्रज्ञापारमितायां चर्यायां शिक्षितव्यं बोधिसत्त्वेन॥

अथ खलु भगवान् तस्मात्समाधेर्व्युत्थाय आर्यावलोकितेश्वरस्य बोधिसत्त्वस्य साधुकारमदात्- साधु साधु कुलपुत्र। एवमेतत् कुलपुत्र, एवमेतद् गम्भीरायां प्रज्ञापारमितायां चर्यं चर्तव्यं यथा त्वया निर्दिष्टम्। अनुमोद्यते तथागतैरर्हद्भिः॥

इदमवोचद्भगवान्। आनन्दमना आयुष्मान् शारिपुत्रः आर्यावलोकितेश्वरश्च बोधिसत्त्वः सा च सर्वावती परिषत् सदेवमानुषासुरगन्धर्वश्च लोको भगवतो भाषितमभ्यनन्दन्॥

Romanization with interlinear glosses

prajnaparamita hridaya sutra
(perfect wisdom heart sutra)

aryavalokitesvaro bodhisattvo
(Avalokateshvara bodhisattva)

gambhiram prajnaparamita caryam caramano vyavalokayati
(deep perfect wisdom action perform luminously)

sma panca skandhas tams ca sva bhava sunyam
(saw five bundles them own nature empty)

pasyati sma iha sariputra
(? saw oh Sariputra)

rupam sunyata va rupam rupan na prithak
(form emptiness evidently form form not different)

sunyata sunyataya na prithag rupam
(emptiness emptiness not different form)

yad rupam sa sunyata ya sunyata sa rupam
(this form that emptiness this emptiness that form)

evam eva vedana samjna samskara vijnanam
(like this feeling thought choice consiousness)

iha sariputra sarva dharma sunyata
(oh Sariputra all dharmas emptiness)

laksana anutpanna anruddha avmala anuna aparpurna
(mark not born not pure not increase not decrease ?)

ta sariputra sunyatayam
(therefore Sariputra in the middle of emptiness)

na rupam na vedana na samjna na samskara na vijnana
(no form no feeling no thought no choice no consciousness)

na caksuh srotam na ghrana jihva kaya manah
(no eye ear no nose tongue body mind)

na rupa sabda gandha rasa spistavya dharmah
(no form sound smell taste touch dharmas)

na caksur dhatur ya van na mano vijnanam dhatur
(no eye-area up to no mind-consciousness area)

na vidya na vidya na vidya ksayo va vidya ksayo
(no clarity no clarity no clarity exhaustion no clarity exhaustion)

ya van jaramaranam na jaramarana ksayo
(up to old age no old age exhaustion)

na duhkha samudaya nirdoha margajna
(no suffering end of suffering path)

na jnanam na prapti na bhismaya tasmai na prapti
(no knowledge no ownership no witnessing no thing to own)

tvad bodhisattva prajnaparamita asritya
(therefore bodhisattva perfect wisdom dwells)

viha ratya citta varano vidya ksayo na vidya ksayo
(in dwell thought no obstacle clarity exhaustion not clairty exhaustion)

ya van jaramaranam na jaramarana ksayo
(up to old age no old age exhaustion)

na duhkha samudaya nirodha margajna
(no suffering end of suffering path)

na jnanam na prapti na bhismaya tasmai na prapti
(no knowledge no property no witnessing no thing to own)

tvad bodhisattvanam prajnaparamita asritya
(therefore bodhisattva perfect wisdom dwells)

viha ratya citta varano citta varano
(in dwell thought no obstacle thought no obstacle)

na siddhitvad atrasto vipa ryasa ti kranto
(no existence fear fright inverse reverse ? separate)

ni stha nirvana tya dha vyava sthitah
(perfectly stands nirvana three worlds thing experiences)

sarva buddhah prajnaparamitam asritya
(all buddhas perfect wisdom dwell)

(a?)nuttaram samyaksambodhim abdhisambuddhah
(unexcelled ultimate perfect insight together ? buddhas)

ta smai jnata vyam
(therefore should know ?)

prajnaparamitamahamantram mahavidyamantram
(perfect wisdom great charm great clear charm)

anuttaramantram asamasama mantram
(unexcelled charm unequalled equal charm)

sarva duhkha prasa manam sa tyam ami thyatvat
(all suffering stop terminate genuine real not vain)

prajnaparamitayam ukto mantrah tadyatha
(perfect wisdom declaired charm saying)

(gone gone totally gone totally completely gone enlightened so be it)

prepared by: Dr. Michael E. Moriarty
Communication Arts Department
Valley City State University
Valley City, North Dakota 58072

Redistribution permitted.


With Japanese pronunciation

ま か はんにゃ は ら みった しんぎょう

観自在 菩薩 行 深 般若波羅蜜多 時

照 見 五蘊 皆 空 度一切苦厄 舎利子



色 即是空

空 即是色

受 想 行 識 亦 復如是

しゃりし ぜ しょほうくうそうふしょうふめつ
舎利子是 諸法 空 相 不 生 不滅

ふ く ふじょうふぞうふげんぜ こ くうちゅう
不垢不浄 不 増不減是故 空 中

無色無受 想 行 識


む しきしょうこうみそくほう
無 色 声 香 味触 法

むげんかいないし む いしきかいむ む みょう
無眼 界 乃至無意識界 無無 明

やくむ む みょうじんないし むろうし
亦 無無 明 尽 乃至無老死

やくむろうしじんむ くしゅうめつどう
亦 無老死尽無苦 集 滅 道



こしんむ けいげ
故心無 礙

むけいげ こ む う く ふ

おんりいっさいてんどうむそうくう ぎょうねはん
遠離 一切 顛 倒 夢想 究 竟 涅槃

三 世 諸仏依 般若波羅蜜多

ことくあのくた らさんみゃくさんぼだい
故得阿耨多羅三 藐 三菩提


ぜ だいみょうしゅ
是大 明 呪

ぜ むじょうしゅ
是無 上 呪

ぜ む とうどうしゅ
是無 等等 呪

のうじょいっさいくしんじつ ふ こ
能 除 一切 苦 真実 不虚

こせつはんにゃは らみったしゅ
故説 般 若波羅蜜多呪

即 説 呪日

ぎゃていぎゃてい は ら ぎゃてい
羯 諦 羯 諦波羅羯 諦

は ら そうぎゃてい
波羅僧 羯 諦

ぼ じ そ わ か

般 若 心 経


There are many translations. This is the one used at Shasta Abbey, from the Soto Zen tradition.

The Scripture of Great Wisdom

When one with deepest wisdom of the heart
That is beyond discriminative thought,
The Holy Lord, great Kanzeon Bosatsu,
Knew that the skandhas five were, as they are,
In their self-nature, void, unstained and pure.
O Shariputra, form is only pure,
Pure is all form; there is, then, nothing more
Than this, for what is form is pure and what
Is pure is form; the same is also true
Of all sensation, thought, activity
And consciousness. O Shariputra, here
All things are pure for they are neither born
Nor do they wholly die; they are not stained
Nor yet immaculate; increasing not,
Decreasing not. O Shariputra,
In this pure there is no form, sensation, thought,
Activity or consciousness; no eye,
Ear, nose, tongue, body, mind; no form, no tastes,
Sound, colour, touch or objects; vision none;
No consciousness; no knowledge and no sign
Of ignorance; until we come to where
Old age and death have ceased and so has all
Extinction of old age and death for here
There is no suffering, nor yet again
Is there accumulation, nor again
Annihilation nor an Eightfold Path,
No knowledge, no attainment. In the mind
Of the Bosatsu who is truly one
With Wisdom Great the obstacles dissolve
And, going on beyond this human mind,
He IS Nirvana. All the Buddhas True
Of present, past and future they ARE all,
Because upon Great Wisdom they rely,
The perfect and most high enlightenment.
The Prajnaparamita one should know
To be the Greatest Mantra of them all,
The highest and most peerless Mantra too;
Allayer of all pain Great Wisdom is,
It is the very Truth, no falsehood here.
This is the Mantra of Great Wisdom, hear!
O Buddha, going, going, going on
Beyond and always going on beyond,
Always BECOMING Buddha, Hail! Hail! Hail!