INEE - International Network for Education in Emergencies

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INEE - International Network for Education in Emergencies - - invites you to participate in their 2014 Consultation. There are virtual world and real world sessions in which you can participate.

Please use the discussion page to answer following questions:

  1. Is ‘education in emergencies’ still a relevant term? Why or why not?
  2. What topics and themes will be the most important for education in emergencies in the coming years?
  3. Are there new partners, stakeholder groups or constituencies that are important to the work of the EiE community?
  4. What are the biggest challenges you are facing in your work?
  5. How are people working together to solve problems?
  6. Is INEE still relevant to the field? Why or why not?
  7. What are INEE’s main strengths and main weaknesses?
  8. How could INEE serve you and/or the field better?