Learning/LearningTeamMeetings/November 16 2007

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Notes from meeting sent to remote learning team

1. david is setting up learning section on olpc wicki where documentation of last week's workshop and LT contributions will "live". 2. we are in the process of designing a template for LT to get started. One priority: among many other things, we want to offer folks who will open their laptop for the first time (and don't know how to use it) simple "hints" on cool things they can do right away, as they explore the machine.

To do so, we envisioned a section of the learning wicki (1) called: " explore your laptop". Newcomers to the laptop will be encouraged to mess around with the machine AND will be guided to get something out of it right away! edward is helping build a cool interface for this [based on an' interactive' photo of laptop, users will be able to hover over features (active buttons) that will unveil what they are about, and automatically link you to a page (Card) that explains how to "get something out of them" [i voluntarily use a psychological wording]. we started writing a piece on "how to take a picture " to come up with a template.

a second section, related, will be called " create simple projects". this will be about very cool things you can do at the very start, even if you know little about the technology [Ex: "make a picture-wall, decorate your picture, insert picture to a text, send a note to a friend, write a journal entry together, read a book, etc...] .

obviously, as soon as we get into more complex activities, starting from exploring the computer itself —and even create simple projects — won't do. this is just a starting point.

as soon as we have enough to get going, we'll talk, and the veterans among us (i think of juliano :) will help us fill in those templates....