The MapStats activity can introduce students to basic queries. Queries are used to read information out of a database.
A query can be made by selecting values from a list, then pressing Run.
The above query colors countries with any (ocean) coastline red. It can be run on any of the standard maps.
Name Queries
Each place has a name. You can use the query SELECT WHERE (name) IS (equal to) ( India ) to select India.
See what happens when you use (less than) or (greater than) with the (name) property.
Be aware: the Asia map may light up only part of some countries.
Historical Queries
Each country has a year of independence, and each state in the USA has two years (of becoming a US territory and becoming a state).
Be aware:
- SELECT WHERE (independence) IS (equal to) ( 1960 ) selects only countries which gained their independence in 1960.
- To select countries which gained independence by 1960, use (independence) IS (less than) ( 1961 )
- The (territory) year is when the land was acquired, not the same as when it became an official territory
The years chosen were collected from Wikipedia and other online sources - there is no political intent.