OLPC:News/2008/Week 10

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Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat +

^ Overview

Library : Michael Stone worked on a single-activity implementation of a dynamic library, running a webserver along with Browse and exiting both on completion. It is currently being tested.

Community networking : takeaways from the week's learning workshop included a discussion with Ryan Croke about how one might connect with individual teachers and community support centers across Illinois. He is organizing a call next Friday with represntatives from these centers and from an organization of school CTOs to discuss the topic, both to get practical ideas from them and to raise awareness about the bill they are trying to pass to provide funds for laptops and similar technology in primary school.

x Connections

opportunities, people, engagements

National libraries : eIFL.net is an electronic information for libraries foundation, committed to supporitng education and research in developing and transition countries. They are offering to help Haiti join their consortium to provide digital materials to community libraries in Haiti, in order to facilitate OLPC use in schools. They are working in-country through the foundation FOKAL.

School connections : One decision at the learning workshop was a recommitment to develop a simple google maps overlay with a paragraph of basic information and links about every school and potential trial, highlighting their blogs and local publishing channels. Ed Baafi was going to mock something up on dev.

TutorVista : John Stuppy, inspired by hearing Nicholas speak at the Harvard Business School last weekend, is returning to the idea of gathering content for us through their content-authoring arm, and pursuing a peer tutoring/mentoring program through OLPC communities to allow volunteer mentors to use their network and online tools.

CAST : They may be able to take a more active role in organizing and defining accessibility goals and making connections for OLPC with relevant projects. Antonio met with their team and will help set up a call next week that our software accessibility enthusiasts can join.

· Artefacts

projects, events, news, materials


  • This past week : learning workshop #4, Mon-Thu.
  • PyCon : this weekend, Fri-Sun. Much OLPC presence and presentations.
  • NYC Story Jam : registration opens, for March 28-30. Target : ~100 storytellers and developers designing and storyboarding activities and recorded tales for the XO. Hosted at the UNICEF offices in Manhattan. See the invite.


from Ed Baafi : http://wiki.laptop.org/go/USB_Sensor

Open sound sample collection to be released : Dr. Boulanger has thousands of sound samples that are being announced to the music and dj and tech communities next week. They are currently being organized by type, and the whole collection is to be posted on bittorrent.

= Fundament

status, deadlines, assumptions, processes

Multilingual library collections : better use of our .info files now customizes start pages by language.

+ Priorities

milestones, sequences, first and next

o Reflection

review, updates, analysis, feedback