OLPC UK/Lending Library and Repair Centre/Status 20090925

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OLPC UK Library Update 20090925

The OLPC UK Local Laptop Lending Library (LLLL) has 100% of its laptops loaned out.

Here is an updated status and the next steps; but first, please recall that the purpose of the combined Library / Repair Centre is to:

  • support the OLPC mission and community via lending out laptops to UK volunteers / contributors; and
  • facilitate with space, materiel, and expertise XO repairs by volunteers; and
  • encourage, enable, and support Contributor Program applicants from the UK.


  • Repair Centre's latest (and earliest) unsolicited XO-1 repair was done in a day and a complete success. A generous & cute thank-you from the beneficiary was received:
    Thank you note
    Thank you note

  • Repair Centre hardware has been triaged and 3 laptops have been fully repaired. Many others have hardware that can be consolidated: e.g., three laptops have mangled keyboards and two laptops have bad screens and one has a bad touchpad, so swapping motherboards and keyboards around should get at least three more working laptops for the library.
  • Two laptops were lent to the OLPC UK pilot and now have been replaced by two from the UK laptop allocation - so the pilot was able to move forward before its laptops arrived from the US and now the Library is back to its original allocation.
  • UK XO-1 survey is over and results have to be collated (won't take long).


  • 10 functional laptops and working batteries are in the UK.
  • All laptops have:
    • developer keys
    • security disabled
    • markings with a OLPCUK-NN (NN from 1 to 10) code, my mobile phone number, and the olpc-uk@lists.laptop.org mailing list address
    • been flashed to latest firmware (Q2E41)
    • have the latest Sugar-on-a-Stick build (Rawhide/Fedora 11 + OLPC kernel) installed.
  • 0 pairs of laptops are available for borrowing
  • More help is always needed with outreach, hardware wrangling, mentoring, etc. Please get in touch directly or via olpc-uk@lists.laptop.org. Better yet, Just Do It - whatever you you're trying to help with - and I/people will try to keep up (Forgiveness vs. Permission).

Next steps

  • Update Library inventory system with (gcstar, probably)
  • Write up lessons learned so far; share with appropriate audiences