OLPCorps Muskingum College Lesotho/ActionPlan

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This will change somewhat now that the OLPC guidelines have changed >>>


  • develop suppport at the local, national, regional, and international levels
  • develop measurable goals to use later to determine the success of the project
  • raise funds through various fundraising projects and grant solicitations
  • acquire IT and power system hardware
  • arrange security in Maseru and at Ketane
  • arrange logistics - travel, housing, shipping, deployment facilities, school & community schedule
  • set up an internet subscription at Ketane
  • become familiar with XO laptop, Sugar/Ubuntu operating system
  • investigate additional educational materials in Sesotho
  • investigate HIV/AIDS educational materials in Sesotho designed for younger children
  • develop detailed deployment & training plans
  • study Sesotho, as needed

Pre-Deployment Assignments

Note: Due to changes in the OLPC grant program, deployment will probably be delayed. Therefore, tasks listed below, especially those for June through August, will actually be accomplished later in the year. Sarah & Amy may or may not be involved in 2010.

  • Sarah & Amy:
explore university funding and support (Dec 2009 - May 2010)
study Sesotho and Lesotho culture (ongoing: August 2009 - August 2010)
Sarah - design Laptops to Lesotho website (November 2009 - January 2010) DONE
?I.T. training (January 2010 - May 2010)
  • Mapesh:
contact community & national leaders for support (ongoing: August 2009 - August 2010)
work with students to determine amount of daily sunlight (December 2009 - August 2010)
recruit translator (March - May 2010)
arrange supply storage and transportation (April & May 2010)
arrange housing for Sarah,Amy, and other team members as necessary (April & May 2010)
discuss holiday logistics and schedule with teachers, students, parents (April & May 2010)
arrange security ( April - June 2010)
oversee local fundraising and support (April 2010 - )
  • Janissa:
liason with Peace Corps/Lesotho (ongoing: June 2009 - August 2010)
mentor Sarah, Amy, Tsela (ongoing: July 2009 - )
study Sesotho language (ongoing: July 2009 - )
draft a budget (ongoing: October 2009 - March 2010)
fundraise via Laptops to Lesotho Inc. (ongoing: November 2009 - )
contact regional and international sources for support (December 2009 - May 2010)
investigate additional educational materials in Sesotho (January 2010 - June 2010)
investigate HIV/AIDS materials in Sesotho for children (January 2010 - June 2010)
arrange transportation to Kigali & Maseru (April 2010 - May 2010)
  • Thabo & Aaron:
mentor Mapesh (Andrew - ongoing: 2007 - December 2009, Aaron - December 2009 - )
provide information and advice regarding Ketane community & logistics (ongoing: August 2009 - )
?investigate additional educational materials in Sesotho (January 2010 - June 2010)
?investigate HIV/AIDS materials in Sesotho for children (January 2010 - June 2010)
?fundraise via Laptops to Lesotho Inc. (January 2010 - )
?work with translate.org.za and translator on translating materials and software interface into Southern Sotho (January 2010 - )
?work with local merchant on provision of supplies
  • Shaun:
provide technical advice
?establish a charity in South Africa similar to Laptops to Lesotho
raise funds
become familiar with XO laptop and Sugar OS (January - June 2010)
?locate and acquire infrastructure hardware (April - June 2010)
?install network and internet hardware (June - July 2010)
?assist with power system installation and maintenance (June - July 2010)
  • Lineo:
become familiar with XO laptop and Sugar OS (January - June 2010)
locate and acquire infrastructure hardware (April - June 2010)
work with Ketane merchant on providing supplies (April - June 2010)
install network and internet hardware (June - July 2010)
assist with power system installation and maintenance (June - July 2010)
  • Ha Nohana Primary School Teachers:
work with students to determine amount of daily sunlight (November 2009 - August 2010)
discuss holiday logistics and schedule with teachers, students, parents (April & May 2010)
  • Translator:
work with translate.org.za on translating materials and software interface into Southern Sotho. Change: Because we will only be deploying laptops to Standard 7 students this year, students who have some fluency in English, we will postpone translation until 2011 or later when we start distributing laptops to the lower grade levels.

OLPC Training in Rwanda

Note: Due to changes in the OLPC grant guidelines, Sarah and Amy will no longer be able to attend the training. Depending on the amount of independent funding we raise, and whether we receive permission from OLPC, Mapesh and Janissa may attend the training in Rwanda.


  • Shipping & Receiving
  • Travel
  • Community meetings & presentations
  • Hardware, Network, and Power Installation
  • XO Laptop Training

    - Teachers: operation & maintenance, classroom use, curriculum
    - Students: Problem solving & projects

Post Deployment

analyze success of project
make recommendations for future deployments
continue fundraising and development of future deployments

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