OLPCorps TulaneUniversitySchoolofPublicHealthandTropicalMedicine Kenya

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The OLPCorps team from Tulane University will work with a coalition of organizations in rural South Coastal province of Kenya. Our goal: Empower local children to tackle development, conflict and health challenges in their communities. The Objective: Help cultivate a student led initiative that incorporates the XO’s into community development and capacity building projects surrounding community health needs.

Meet The Partners:

Hatua Likoni[1]: Is a coalition of community organizations working to create new opportunities and long term, self-sustaining solutions to the challenges we face in Likoni, Kenya. By increasing access to education; care for orphans; mentoring and guidance for youth; micro-finance loans; and jobs, we create opportunities that enable Likoni residents to achieve their goals, provide for themselves and their families, and uplift Likoni's living standard. It's our version of development: home grown, community driven development that empowers individuals to determine their own future and the future of their community. Our team is mostly Kenyan and all residents of Likoni. W e are knowledgeable about Likoni and the kinds of programs that are needed and will be effective in our community. We are extremely excited to work with the Tulane OLPCorps teams. We believe decisions made at the local level enable us to involve those affected by our choices in the decision making process, which is the essence of community development.

Voices of Africa for Sustainable Development[2]: Is registered as a non-governmental organization in Kenya, a 501c3 non profit organization in the United States, and has a sister organization named Terra Phoenix, a social enterprise in the United Kingdom. Its sole purpose is to engage in poverty alleviation and education for sustainable development in Sub- Saharan Africa. Our vision is to live in just world without abject poverty. To this end, Voices of Africa will foster sustainable development in Sub Saharan through information empowerment and fair trade. It is our mission to empower impoverished women and youth to improve their communities sustainably through the use of innovative and cutting edge information and communications technology and fair trade income generation. Working with the Tulane OLPCorps team will allow us to bolster our Likoni operations while empowering a highly impoverished and needy community of children.

SchuleTech Foundation: