OLPCorps UCSD Congo Activity1

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The aim of the pedagogical program:
The objective is to teach elementary school students skills in science and technology, mathematics, language art, and health, and leadership in collaboration with local schools teachers and partner organization, CAADEC Association volunteers. These local elementary school teachers will be trained to use the XO computers in their curriculums to better facilitate learning. They will also conduct educational activities that used information from the Internet to enhance children learning in the summer program.

Upon completion the first week of orientation in Kigali, below is our outlined for project duration.
Week 1
A. Training in large groups (20 students per group) on general topics such as:
1. What is a computer
2. How to use the computer
3. What is Internet
4. How to navigate on the Internet
5. How to search on the Internet using search engine.

Week 2-5
Children will be divided into small groups, 20 students per group. Each group will be paired with trained CAADEC volunteers or local teachers in particular subjects. The groups will rotate every week to different subject curriculum.

Selected specific topics of training
A. Leadership: Democracy, human equality - women, the role of leaders in a democracy through some leadership role playing activities.
B. Internet activities: Each team will learn to user the Internet to search needed information.
C. Community learning kiosks to the attention of the local population with invitations to experts in the field of the topic presented: the children will first learn from expert and then present their themes to the guests, parents, and peers at the end of the summer program. D. Science and environment: Water
Uvira is on shore of the Lake Tanganyika, thus students will learn the water chemistry, the distribution of water in the world, in Africa, in Congo, in Uvira. Learning activities will include visit to the Lake Tanganyika, including some fishing games/activities.