OLPCsb Organization Structure

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OLPCsb Organization Structure



Education/psychology research, evaluation of the programs we’re designing
• Sit-in observer (taking notes in pilot classrooms)
• Research finder (compile articles for our uses)
• Research reviewer (write article reviews for the developer’s manual)
• Culture researcher (assure programs are appropriate for different cultures)
• Tool evaluator
• Online research (what’s going on with the olpc online community)


Putting applications together, design of on-site infrastructure, helping with computer issues
• Computer programmer
• Program tester
• Troubleshooting
• Hardware (routers, servers, cabling, etc. in pilot schools)


Maintains communication the public, locating new partners/collaborators, etc.
• Recruitment presenter (those short and sweet presentations for campus classrooms)
• Informational presenter (when we’re just explaining what we’re doing)
• Tabling (when we have a table set up at some event, explain what we do to those who ask)
• Partner locator (finds and researches possible organizations to collaborate with)

School Operations

Maintains communication with schools, facilitation between schools
• Local school contact
• International school contact
• International Peer2Peer program manager


Funding for operations and projects
• Grant writing
• Fundraiser presentations
• Funds researcher (look up scholarships, grants, individuals, etc. available to get funding)


Creating a resource model for future replication
• Developer’s manual (put together research-summaries into a good manual)
• Organization model (record what we’re doing and how we set things up to help future groups)
• Web manager (keep web-site up to date with what’s going on, make it snazzy, etc.)


General organization management
• President
• Volunteer coordinator (for events and committees)
• Deployment coordinator (for new pilot sites)
• Organization collaboration coordinator (handle communication with other groups)
• Accountant


Some group position terminology:

 Director (leads committee, reports to the administration)
 Reservist (no permanent role, but volunteers when there's need for manpower.... works for people who are too busy to do a lot, just have their name on a list)

Organization Hierarchy

Committees (specific task areas)
Task groups (specific tasks: present on this class on this day, get these fliers handed out, etc.)


I’m thinking that official whole group meetings will happen at least once a month, which would be to talk about overall projects and issues. Committee meetings, however, will be determined by its members and will tackle specific task areas. This way, people can come to meetings that pertain to what they specifically wish to have a hand in (you could be a part of all of them). At the very least, committee directors must keep in communication with each other, but ideally we’re all talking to ech other anyways.