OLPCsb Programming

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Home: OLPC Santa Barbara


Math Minute

-Hello World app
-Graphic interface
-Test (input) page
-Results page
-Testing (possibly can have Kellogg students do this)

Internet Filter

We are in need of an internet filter, so that our Santa Barbara classroom's students taking the XOs home do not go to inappropriate web pages (a frequent parent request/demand).


Needed: Means to directly print from XO.

(specific info on Kellogg's available technology needed)

Flash (Issue Solved)

olpcsb flash support

Past issue: figuring out how to get flash to run on the internet properly (currently can get visuals but not audio).

Contact info

Bryan Wang (Director of Programming)– thebryanwang@gmail.com

Luis Rocha – lgrocha@umail.ucsb.edu

Preston Snow – prestonjsnow@gmail.com

Travis Ayres – trayres@gmail.com

Carlos Gomez – cgjunior91@gmail.com

Kyle Stewart – kas@umail.ucsb.edu

Robert Zablit – rzablit@gmail.com

Joshua Chamberlain – joshuaMC@pacbell.net