WARNING: The content of this section is considered DEPRECATED and OBSOLETE It is preserved for historical or documenting reasons.
Getting into the Configuration
- Go to a location where it occurs naturally. (difficult for this configuration)
- School server.
- One laptop can see both the server and the other laptop. The other laptop can only see the first laptop and not the server.
- Still, must turn on MPP (Mesh Portal Point) for first laptop.
- Login on a terminal as root.
- Type:
/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 NetworkManagerDispatcher on
/sbin/service NetworkManagerDispatcher start
- Force the laptops into it manually.
- Turn on MPP for one laptop.
- Create file /etc/NetworkManager/mesh-start on second laptop
- w/ text:
- Reboot the laptop.
Checking that laptops are in the MPP Configuration
Laptop 1
- The file /etc/resolve.conf should have text like:
search {domainname}
nameserver {IP_address}
- The laptop should have a good IP address
- Starts with 172, 18, ect. (169 is an example of a bad address)
- Alternatively: Laptop should be able to browse the internet.
- The file /etc/resolve.conf should have text with at least one line of:
nameserver {IP_address}
This page needs clean-up and editing for coherence, clarity, and completeness.
Please improve this article if you can.