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자세한 사항은 소프트웨어 참조.

어떤 소프트웨어가 $100 노트북에 사용되나요?

오픈소스 기반의 모든 프로그램입니다. 소프트웨어 컴포넌트를 참조.

The one-laptop-per-child computer (OLPC) will come with some general purpose software: web browser; word processing; basic tools for personal expression; etc. There also will be high-quality educational examples of OLPC use. A more complete list is found here.

OLPC is working with Red Hat on a Linux kernel for the machine, but we are opening up the design; it is inevitable that there will be several variants of Linux to choose from, as well as some version of Windows, and perhaps an OS X offering.

We made a decision to base the OLPC on open-source software in order to provide countries (and to whatever degree appropriate, the children themselves) with the freedom to decide for themselves what to place on the machines, and to share and localize examples of best practice generated domestically and taken from abroad.

Open-source software gives children the opportunity to “own” the machine in every sense. While we don't expect every child to become a programmer, we don't want any ceiling imposed on those children who choose to reach towards complexity. We are using open document formats for much the same reason: transparency is empowering. The children—and their teachers—will have the freedom to reshape, reinvent, and reapply their software, hardware, and content.

운영시스템을 선택하는 것은 메쉬 네트워킹, 교육 소프트웨어, 그리고 외부 대용량 저장 장치와 호환성에 어려움이 있지 않나요?

우리는 운영시스템 선택이 지역이나 개인 수준에서 결정될 것으로 예상합니다. 전자의 경우 "스쿨 서버" 전략과 조화를 이뤄야 하며, 후자의 경우, 해당 어린이가 그럴 만한 이유가 있을 것으로 봅니다.

We anticipate that the choice of operating systems will be made at either a very coarse level of granularity, e.g., regionally, or by individuals. In the former case, it would have to be done in concert with some sort of "school-server" strategy. In the latter case, presumably the child making the choice has a reason for it.

메쉬 네트워킹이 인터넷의 대체가 되나요?

아뇨. 서로 보완할 것입니다.

We don't anticipate the mesh network replacing the Internet; rather it will complement the Internet. The mesh will be for local communication. An uplink at the school will be the gateway out. Providing local telecommunications is in and of itself of benefit to the children and their communities. There may be local regulatory issues that need to be addressed.

Will the display be able to rotate orientation?

We will be running the X Window System, which has resize and rotate extensions.

컨텐트를 위한 저장 공간은?

운영시스템 등 필수 어플리케이션이 압축해서 100MB이고, 나머지는 사용자 공간입니다. (* 역주: 1GB로 늘었습니다)

The operating system and "mandatory applications" are going to be on the order of 100MB compressed. This will leave on the order of 400MB for the user.

이 노트북은 PC인가요?


이 노트북은 IBM-호환 PC인가요?

비록 x86 CPU를 쓰기는 하지만 IBM 호환 PC와는 다른 많은 기능을 제공합니다. 또한, 설계자들은 향후 비 x86 CPU로 플랫폼을 바꿀 수도 있습니다.

The OLPC is clearly NOT an IBM compatible (or MS-DOS compatible, for that matter) PC even though it does currently use an x86 CPU, because it has many features which take it beyond plain PCs. And the designers reserve the right to change to a non-x86 CPU in the future if it makes sense. As one of the team said recently, AMD will have to earn our business. The goal is not to make another IBM compatible but to make a portable personal computer that a child can use as a core tool of their elementary education.

No other PC has a screen that can switch to a low-power high-res monochrome mode. No other PC has such a low-power extended-range wifi with its own CPU that can keep sending while the main CPU sleeps. No other PC is intended to be, first and foremost, a tool for educating children.

소프트웨어 개발자들이 개발을 위해 이 노트북을 받을 수 없나요?

에뮬레이터를 사용하면 충분합니다.

The vast majority of early software developers can work on ordinary Linux laptops or desktops. The machine will run Linux, X, and Gnome. Write your applications to use minimal RAM and minimal file system space, and to not depend on having a color screen. A release of the Fedora software for the OLPC is available (See Installing Fedora Core. If you want to simulate small memory, you can boot linux with the "mem=128m" parameter.) Some developers who need them, e.g. to work on device drivers, will get prototype boards from OLPC. Here are Notes_on_using_the_OLPC_developer_boards.

What instruction set does the processor in the laptops have?

The Geode processor that is currently used in the laptops supports the full Athlon instruction set (including MMX and 3DNow!), plus Geode-specific instructions.