Peer to Peer learning as an opportunity for classroom facilitation, self-esteem building, positive socialization and much more

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Session description:

Peer to Peer learning as an opportunity for classroom facilitation, self-esteem building, positive socialization and much more: "Peer to peer learning has proven to be a positive force in OLPC projects worldwide. When a collaborative environment of sharing and problem solving is fostered within and across classrooms, teachers receive the benefit of reduced pressure to always "have the answer" and the opportunity to learn a great deal from their students. What’s more, facilitators of P2P initiatives note improved self esteem and social integration of students labeled as troublemakers and/or academic under-achievers. This session is designed to share best practices and lessons learned in P2P learning. Both the Nicaraguan experience and participant perspectives will be explored." OLPC's Barbara Barry will extend the idea of peer-to-peer to how smart computers can help (or hurt) children as they model mentors and friends - to understand what they know and how they learn.

Summary Notes

(Nina Stawski has partial tape recording too!)

<morganya> Barbara: there's an infrastructure question and a people question -- prompts
<CanoeBerry> What do Teachers NEED Brainstorming underway -- coordinated by Tim Falconer -- 30 people in Rm 555.
<CanoeBerry> George Hunt: How do teachers share best pactices? Bernie: "Greg Smith"
* GrannieB2 ( has joined #olpc-555
<CanoeBerry> Morgan Ames: what is the popularity of various Activities? How much is over-the-network collab used? What is the avg time spent on each Activity?
<CanoeBerry> Tim Falconer: time of day, a all Google Analytics?
<CanoeBerry> Morgan Ames: Inventario system in Paraguay allows some of this?
<CanoeBerry> John Tierney: evidence = funding?
<CanoeBerry> Tim Falconer: provability - funding?
<CanoeBerry> Pablo: in every teacher, no matter the country, all understand the requirements of curriculum.
<CanoeBerry> Pablo Flores: exchange this info multinationally -- yes translation is hard -- but still this is the great hope (global teachers network?)
<CanoeBerry> Feedback from teachers on how they did it.
<CanoeBerry> Bernie: last thing that's missing is publishing this somewhere! Where ppl can find it ;)
<CanoeBerry> Pablo: Yes!
<GrannieB2> canal ceibal
<CanoeBerry> SPONTANEOUS SESSION ENDS: Designing Sugar 2012 using Journal instrumented for metrics etc?
<CanoeBerry> 3:15PM Session w/ PLASTICINE now beginning!
<CanoeBerry> See schedule here:
<CanoeBerry> Room was paired up and "blindfolded" working in pairs (without speaking!)
<CanoeBerry> Each pair created a plasticine / playdoh sculpture
<CanoeBerry> Worked!
<CanoeBerry> Groups created+collaborated without speaking same language etc.
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer Martino on Latin American work:
<CanoeBerry> Peers selected, 1 boy with 1 girl.
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer discussing boy in Grade 3 at age 12 -- who mom/grandma asked to keep XO?
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer asked for him to spend 1 hr first.
<CanoeBerry> Kid ended up being star.
<CanoeBerry> Most coop kid, punched someone once.  OK, they punched him back.
<CanoeBerry> Problematic child? Went back to school next day.
<CanoeBerry> Another case: Deaf child could only communicate with his brother.. and his computer!
* silbe changes topic to 'Peer to Peer Learning (Jennifer Martino, Barbara Barry)'
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer pairs up entire room.
<CanoeBerry> They ask "who's an expert in Scratch?"
<CanoeBerry> they run to 1 corner of room.
<CanoeBerry> They ask each kid: "What are you an expert in?" Kids then answer: Speak, Robots, etc..
<CanoeBerry> 13yo, 8yo, even Grades 1 do this.  OK, we know it's 1-to-1 computing, but pairing up kids can be the richest part of experience.
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer wrote 5p document in Spanish and English.
<CanoeBerry> 7 pages, 6.40MB
<CanoeBerry> Barbara Barry: XO becomes magnet and 2 kids can then talk about it -- more so than a stuck math problem!
<CanoeBerry> Jen posted this Aug 26, 2010
* kfx (~kfx_@unaffiliated/kfx) has joined #olpc-555
<CanoeBerry> Not sure where the Spanish equivalent lies on
<CanoeBerry> List (of best examples?) beginning on whiteboard now:
<CanoeBerry> - child experts
<CanoeBerry> - teacher support
<CanoeBerry> - humour -> PLAY
<CanoeBerry> - make mistakes
<CanoeBerry> - in+out of class (bernie: download games, videos, customize look -- but not yet teacher-driven?)
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer agrees, but emphasizes teacher won't all be the best facilitator.
<CanoeBerry> Remy: give people real world problems to solve, not canned exercises.  From actual bug trackers, immediately helping folks.
<CanoeBerry> Adam Gordon: Pay it forward.. How You Will Help the School etc.
<CanoeBerry> Cherry Withers: game development among Grades 3 to 5?
<CanoeBerry> Peer evaluation
* tabs ( has joined #olpc-555
* MarkDude (~Mark@pdpc/supporter/student/markdude) has joined #olpc-555
* GrannieB2 ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
<CanoeBerry> Tierney: collaborating w/ five 5th grade classrooms N of NYC, with Gerald Ardito, where student experts encouraged to begin walking around class on their own.
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer: tech teams, repair workshops go from class-to-class..
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer: ppl think XO as a Dell.
<CanoeBerry> Self-test diagnostics sufficient, to keep XOs out of repair center, and Build Self-Esteem!
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer's whiteboard list, transcribed from white board:
<CanoeBerry> - networking
<CanoeBerry> - real world problems
<CanoeBerry> - pau it forward
* GrannieB ( has joined #olpc-555
<CanoeBerry> - pay it forward
<CanoeBerry> - Linux basics
<CanoeBerry> - game development
<CanoeBerry> - peer evaluation
<CanoeBerry> - student tech teams
<CanoeBerry> - self-esteem
<CanoeBerry> - pacing
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer: London School of Econ research showing Hyperactive or Timid kids, show the best results -- with our newer approaches.
<CanoeBerry> - computing+learning continuum
<CanoeBerry> Barbara Barry: why are computers diff from pencils and books?
<CanoeBerry> Computers have behavior, simulate a world.
<CanoeBerry> Computers can reflect back to us, computers can have a brain..
<CanoeBerry> How we know what other ppl know? How do we learn from each other?
* GrannieB ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
* tabs ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
* tabs ( has joined #olpc-555
<CanoeBerry> Speak experimentation underway.
<CanoeBerry> Everyone trying to get Speak Activity to respond intelligently..
<CanoeBerry> Bot?
* NinaStawski ( has joined #olpc-555
<NinaStawski> discussing the speak program
<CanoeBerry> Question from Nick Doiron: where is Speak Robot? DSD: Your need to download a recent version of Speak!
<CanoeBerry> BBarry: Opportunity beyond srt of books & programs.
<CanoeBerry> BBarry: Opportunity beyond collection of books & programs.
<CanoeBerry> Mediated beyond disembodied voices.
<CanoeBerry> BBarry: Hits FNC key and then "Gear" key
<CanoeBerry> (If you are in Speak Activity..)
<CanoeBerry> Tim Falconer: is this "Artificial Intelligence" Alice-based?
<CanoeBerry> Barbara Barry: yes!?
<CanoeBerry> Nick Doiron downloading Speak 18 from
<NinaStawski> BBarry: does anybody has thoughts or comments?
<NinaStawski> Mark: for me it's people did some stuff and you just look to a reflection of it
<CanoeBerry> Wikipedia model of what a person knows?
<NinaStawski> Children that have these laptops - it's a kind of a real person to them
<CanoeBerry> Tim Falconer: children when they have these laptops, it's like a another person -- they develop a relationship with it, magical
<NinaStawski> computers are different from book cause you have a relationships with them (Tim)
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer Martino: video of XOs appearing? La Rioja, Argentina
<NinaStawski> Jennifer shows some video to us
<CanoeBerry> Special needs students sometimes lacking "Concept of self"
<CanoeBerry> Lacking friends, identified with XO thanks to its cam.
* culseg (~culseg@ has joined #olpc-555
<NinaStawski> a kid is teaching herself with the computer - it's not certain she didn't recognize herself at the video, but there's a chance
<CanoeBerry> Apprehensive folks were typing into computer, so it spoke their "Tourette's Syndrome" thoughts..
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer views her Mac as such a buddy, that she bought a replacement same day when dropped earlier this month!
<NinaStawski> she told us a story about kids with Autism who were learning to collaborate with their XOs
<NinaStawski> all the computers were connected to the same speakers and had a musical activity loaded
<CanoeBerry> Mark views computer as just parts. Not really mystical. But completely emystifying can go too far taking away all the fun..
* tonyforster ( has joined #olpc-555
<CanoeBerry> Bernie: not as hard as it seems for kids.
<CanoeBerry> Bernie: kids want deep explanation!
<NinaStawski> experimenting, kids found out that what they do affects others, and ended up creating a music or something like that
<NinaStawski> without talking or looking to each other
<NinaStawski> this is the page for peer-to-peer learning
<NinaStawski> that's a kind of the thing we did at the beginning of the session, just to demonstrate peer-to-peer learning
<NinaStawski> Tim: do you have any examples besides speak?
<NinaStawski> Jennifer: Scratch
<CanoeBerry> Above pag now more findable here:
<NinaStawski> The way the XOs designed is encouraging kids to communicate in particular way (BBarry)
<CanoeBerry> Tim Falconer on 300 projects (kids have) uploaded to Showcase
<CanoeBerry_> Barbara Barry on extensive connectivity and partial mesh working in Gaza and the West Bank, where she works.
<CanoeBerry> Tim Falconer on 300 projects (kids have) uploaded to Showcase