Pygame es la biblioteca mas usada comunmente para crear juegos en Python. En su diseño es como una envolutura sobre la biblioteca de Simple DirecMedia llamada comunmente e(SDL),l cual provee de una interfaz de bajo nivel hecha para crear juegos razonablemente eficientes. Ver COMO Desarrollo de Juegos o Envoltura Pygame ppara mas detalles de su uso.
Pygame en la OLPC XO
El trabajo continuo hace que Pygame via SDL interactue con el ambiente de Sugar (GTK y DBUS). Discusiones y anuncios usualmente ocurren en la OLPC Games info/devel OLPC Lista de Desarrollo. Existe una envoltura Pygame-a-Sugar mantenido para la XO llamada 'olpcgames'. Para aprender a usarla, vea COMO desarrollo de juegos. Ver Envolutar Pygames para la documentación y otros topicos.
Existe un numero de bibliotecas escritas sobre el sistema de Pygames el cual provee un mecanismo simple para crear juegos de ciertos tipos. Estas librerias hacen posible para niños pequeños escribir juegos y para niños mas grandes escribir juegos suficientemente pulidos para distribuir a otros.
Sobre las biliotecas escritas sobre Pygame puede ser útil es configurar un su-curriculum de desarrollo de Juegos (o simplemente en hacer mas facil el desarrollo de juegos para la OLPC):
- Pygsear
- Schoolsplay (formerly Childsplay)
- Phil's Game Utilitys (PGU)
Lectura introductoria
- Pygame Programming - Great 4 lecture introduction in display, images, sound, event handling
- Pygame Reference - List of functions and their usage
- Pygame Tutorials
- Pygame object oriented tutorials
Discusion y razonamiento
Los juegos son una parte importante del aprendizaje. Los proyectos basados en pygame que pueden ser utiles a los niños que quiere desarrollar juegos para si mismos y para sus amigos.
La idea es de desarrollar un curriculum para los maestros y niños mayores para que programen juegos para OLPC usando Python y Pygame. Entonces podran escribir juegos/actividades para el ambiente Childsplay para niños mas jovenes.
Correo original enviado para Mamading Ceesay a la lista de Python-UK el Viernes 20 de Mayo 2005:
One of the threads at the last London Python Meetup was about Python for Kids. Specifically about how to get kids into Python programming and possibly how to get Python taught in Schools. There was mention of the Livewires python tutorial material for example. Simon B. in particular (IIRC) was interested in Turtle Graphics for Python (a la Logo). Along similar lines, but drawing upon the Karel the Robot tradition there is RUR-PLE where there is a robot that is controlled using Python syntax, there is a set of lessons provided where the student has to accomplish progressively complex tasks with the robot using Python syntax introduced in the course of the lessons. An overview of RUR-PLE can be found at It's based on wxPython. I have a young nephew who has just reached school age, so right now I'm more concerned about him having educational games and software than programming. Being able to extend/enhance the software in Python would be useful though. Childsplay is just the thing, it's a suite of educational games for young children along similar lines to Gcompris but without the C/C++ code and GNOME dependencies. It's based on Pygame and is cross-platform. It only has two games bundled, you have to install the plugins to get the other available games. Games are written as plugins in python that run in the Childsplay environment. Ideally, you might get your older kids to write new game plugins to keep your younger ones amused, just an idle thought! ;-) Anyway, I intend to try out Childsplay on the nephew this weekend.
Follow-up email sent by Mamading Ceesay to the Python-UK mailing list on Saturday 11th June 2005:
The nephew loves it and will nag me to fire up my laptop so that he can run Childsplay. Especially the PacKids game, which is quite useful from the spelling and pronounciation perspective as well as being entertaining. The main drawback with Childsplay so far, is that most of the games/activities are lacking in levels. The project clearly needs more developers to add more levels and games/activities. Perhaps it might even be worth organizing a sprint at something like the rumoured forthcoming PyCon UK. Alternatively, the London Python Meetup crew might like to do something.
Follow-up email sent by Mamading Ceesay to the Python-UK mailing list on Friday 21 October 2005:
Check out the Livewires course and see if it suits: Alternatively, there's a new Beginning Python book which has 10 projects to build in the last third of the book: I have been toying with the idea of getting some funding to develop and run a Python course for kids with a focus on Game and Multimedia programming.
First milestone - contact Pygame and Childsplay developer mailing lists to garner developer interest in this project.