Sample Write Results

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Open the Write Activity

  • That the Write icon is added to the activity donut. yes/no
  • That the Write icon pulses to indicate the activity starting up. yes/no
  • That the Write activity starts properly. yes/no
  • That the window is blank, and defaults to the "Activity" tab. yes/no

Type your name and the date

  • That the cursor becomes a text cursor when inside the text window. yes/no
  • That your position marker appears properly when you click and blinks. yes/no
  • That your text appears properly on the screen. yes/no
  • That the position marker adjusts its position as you type. yes/no
  • That a red underline appears under any words you have misspelled. yes/no

Check text storage

  • That an entry has been added for your Write activity session. yes/no
  • That a preview of the text you have written is properly displayed. yes/no

Type a title

  • That the Text tab properly highlights and displays a new row of buttons as you click it. yes/no
  • That your text appears in the center of the screen, underlined, with the proper size and font. yes/no

Type a paragraph

  • That your text appears left aligned, in the proper size, font and style. yes/no
  • That right-clicking displays a submenu, and that clicking the Paragraph option properly opens the Paragraph window. yes/no
  • That the Spacing menu works properly. yes/no
  • That your text spaces out each line properly as the Justified alignment indicates, and that your lines are double spaced. yes/no

Using Copy and Paste

  • That the Copy and Paste buttons become highlighted when you mouse over them and when you click them. yes/no
  • That your text deselects properly when you click away from it. yes/no
  • That your text appears properly where you clicked when you paste it. yes/no
  • That the text you just pasted goes away when the undo button is hit. yes/no

Inserting an Image

  • That the "Image" tab changes the taskbar to a different set of buttons. yes/no
  • That the "Insert Picture" displays the Insert Picture window properly. yes/no
  • That pressing "Okay" causes the selected picture appears properly wherever your cursor was. yes/no
  • That your cursor changes to a pointing hand when you mouse over your picture and a 4-way arrow when you mouse over the perimeter of your picture. yes/no
  • That your picture moves properly when you drag it and resizes appropriately when you resize it. yes/no
  • That the label you make underneath your picture wraps around the image properly. yes/no

Making and Editing Tables

  • That the "Table" tab changes the taskbar to a different set of buttons when you click the "Table" button. yes/no
  • That a mini-spreadsheet appears as you hold down the button, starting as a 5v5, and adjusting as you drag, and that a spreadsheet of the dimensions you specified is produced when you let go. yes/no
  • That you are able to insert, select and edit text properly into the tables, and that tabbing through fields works properly. yes/no
  • That using the insert rows column inserts a row between the first and second rows. yes/no

Using the View tools

  • That the "View" tab changes the taskbar to a different set of buttons when you click the View tab. yes/no
  • That the magnifying glass buttons properly alter the zoom percentage, and that the zoom percentage indicator upates to reflect the new percentage as it is changed. yes/no
  • That a page break line appears when you type past the first page. yes/no
  • That the page view tool properly allows you to switch between pages, and indicates the right page. yes/no

Close the Write activity

  • That the "Activity" tab changes the taskbar to a different set of buttons when you click the "Activity" button. yes/no
  • That clicking the X button closes the Write activity. yes/no
  • That the Write icon disappears from the activity donut. yes/no

Resume working on a file

  • That your entry in the Journal is still present and has updated the preview to indicate your new work. yes/no
  • That Resuming your Write activity session opens Write and loads your work properly. yes/no

Using Undo and Redo

  • That the edit tab changes the taskbar to a different set of buttons when you click the edit tab. yes/no
  • That the Undo button undoes your actions properly, and in the right order, and that the screen is completely blank after you've finished Undoing. yes/no
  • That the Redo button redoes your actions properly, and in the right order, and that your file is restored to its previous state after you've finished Redoing. yes/no
  • That the Undo button becomes ghosted when nothing is left on the screen, and that the Redo button becomes ghosted when your file is restored to its previous state. yes/no


  • That the user is able to join your Write activity. yes/no
  • That the user is able to collaborate on the Write project with you. yes/no
  • That the user's icon is added to the right side of the frame. (when you press the view sidebars key) yes/no
  • That a Write activity icon appears in the Neighborhood view, with your icon and the other user's icon by it. yes/no