Scratch Activity Test Case

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Test Case ID Category Feature Description Prerequisite Test Description Input Data Expected Result No Of TC combination Status (Pass/Fail) Defect Id
1. Verify the navigation to the Scratch Activity
SCT_P1 FUN Verify that the user is able to navigate to the Scratch activity Scratch activity icon is available Click on the Scratch icon System should be navigated to the Scratch Activity. 1
1.1 Verify the Right Panel in Scratch Activity
SCT_P1.1 UI Verify the features of the Right Panel in Scratch Activity User is in Scratch activity window Click on the Scratch icon System should navigated to Right Panel and following features should be displayed
  • Motion
  • Control
  • Looks
  • Sensing
  • Sound
  • Numbers
  • Pen
  • Variables
SCT_P1.1.1 UI Verify the features of the Motion tab in right panel. User is in Scratch activity window
  1. Click on the Motion Tab
  2. Check the features of Motion tab
System should navigated to Motion tab and following features should be displayed
  • move_ steps
  • turn_degrees (rigth)
  • turn_degrees (left)
  • point in direction
  • point towards
  • go to x :_ y :_
  • go to
  • glide_secs to x :_y :_
  • change x by
  • set x to
  • change y by
  • set y to
  • if one edge, bounce
  • x position
  • y position
  • direction
SCT_P1.1.2 UI Verify the features of the Control tab in right panel User is in Scratch activity window.
  1. Click on the Control Tab
  2. Check the features of Control tab
System should navigated to Control tab and following features should be displayed
  • When_clicked
  • when_key press
  • when sprite1 clicked
  • wait_secs
  • forever
  • repeat
  • broadcast
  • broadcast_and wait
  • when I receive
  • forever if
  • if
  • if else
  • wait until
  • repeat until
  • stop script
  • stop all
SCT_P1.1.3 UI Verify the features of the Looks tab in right panel User is in Scratch activity window.
  1. Click on the Looks Tab
  2. Check the features of Looks tab
System should navigated to Looks tab and following features should be displayed
  • switch to costume_
  • next costume
  • _costume #
  • say_for_sec
  • say_
  • think_for_sec
  • think_
  • change_effect by
  • set_effect to
  • clear graphic effects
  • change size by_
  • set size to_%
  • size_
  • show
  • hide
  • go to front
  • go back_one layer
SCT_P1.1.4 UI Verify the features of the Sensing tab in right panel User is in Scratch activity window
  1. Click on the Sensing Tab
  2. Check the features of Sensing tab
System should navigated to Sensing tab and following features should be displayed
  • mouse x
  • mouse y
  • mouse down?
  • key_pressed?
  • touching?
  • touching colour _?
  • color_is touching_?
  • distance to_
  • reset timer
  • _timer
  • _of_
  • _loudness
  • loud?
  • _sensor_
SCT_P1.1.5 UI Verify the features of the sound tab in right panel User is in Scratch activity window.
  1. Click on the sound Tab
  2. Check the features of sound tab
System should navigated to sound tab and following features should be displayed
  • play sound_
  • play sound_untill
  • stop all sounds
  • play drum_for_beats
  • rest for_beats
  • play note_for_beats
  • set instruments to_
  • change volume by_
  • set volume to_%
  • _volume
  • change tempo by_
  • set tempo to_bpm
  • _tempo
SCT_P1.1.6 UI Verify the features of the Numbers tab in right panel User is in Scratch activity window
  1. Click on the Numbers Tab
  2. Check the features of Numbers tab
System should navigated to Numbers tab and following features should be displayed.
  • (__+__)
  • (__ - __ )
  • (__* __)
  • (__/__)
  • pick random _to_
  • (__and __)
  • (__or__)
  • (not_)
  • (_mod _)
  • (round_)
  • ( _of_ )
SCT_P1.1.7 UI Verify the features of the Pen tab in right panel User is in Scratch activity window
  1. Click on the Pen Tab
  2. Check the features of Pen tab
System should navigated to Pen tab and following features should be displayed
  • clear
  • pen down
  • pen up
  • set pen colour to_
  • change pen colour by_
  • set pen colour to_
  • change pen shade by_
  • set pen shade to_
  • change pen size by_
  • set pen size to_
  • stamp
SCT_P1.1.8 UI Verify the features of the Variables tab in right panel User is in Scratch activity window
  1. Click on the Variables Tab
  2. Check the features of Variables tab
System should navigated to Variables tab and following features should be displayed
  • Make a variable
  • Make a list
1.2 Verify the Top Panel in Scratch Activity
SCT_P1.2 UI Verify the features of the Top Panel in Scratch Activity User is in Scratch activity window Click on the Scratch icon System should navigated to Top Panel and following features should be displayed
  • New
  • Open
  • Save
  • Save As
  • Sharel
  • Undo
  • Language
  • Extras
  • Quit
SCT_P1.2.1 FUN Verify the functionalities of the new tab. User is currently working on Scratch activity window. Click on the new tab System should display a box asking "Save the current project?" with the "Yes", "No" "cancel" button. 1
SCT_P1.2.1.1 FUN Verify the functionalities of the new tab. User is not currently working on Scratch activity window. Click on the new tab System should display new window 1
SCT_P1.2.2 FUN Verify the functionality of Open tab User is currently working on Scratch activity window Click on the Open tab System should display a box asking "Save the current project?" with the "Yes", "No" "cancel" button. 1
SCT_P1.2.2.1 FUN Verify the functionality of Open tab User is not currently working on Scratch activity window. Click on the Open tab System should display Open project window. 1
SCT_P1.2.3 FUN Verify the functionality of Save tab User is in Scratch activity window.
  1. Click on the Save tab
  2. Fill the file name.
  3. Fill the project author
  4. Fill the about this project
  5. Select the folder.
  6. Click ok button.
System should display save project window. 1
SCT_P1.2.4 FUN Verify the functionality of Save As tab User is in Scratch activity window.
  1. Click on the Save tab
  2. Fill the file name.
  3. Fill the project author
  4. Fill the about this project
  5. Select the folder.
  6. Click ok button.
System should display save project window. 1
SCT_P1.2.5 FUN Verify the functionality of Share tab User is in Scratch activity window.
  1. Click on the Share tab
  2. Fill the upload to scratch server window.
  3. Click ok button.
System should display Upload to scratch server ( window. 1
SCT_P1.2.6 FUN Verify the functionality of Undo tab User is in Scratch activity window. Click on the Undo tab System should display the last activity user did. 1
SCT_P1.2.7 FUN Verify the functionality of Language tab User is in Scratch activity window.
  1. Click on the Language tab
  2. Select the language
System should set language for blocks/scripts 1
SCT_P1.2.8 UI Verify the feature of Extras tab User is in Scratch activity window Click on the Extras tab system should display
  • about
  • import project
  • stop single stepping
  • compress sounds
  • compress images
SCT_P1.2.9 FUN Verify the functionality of quit tab User is currently working on Scratch activity window Click on the quit tab System should display a box asking "Save the current project?" with the "Yes", "No" "cancel" button. 1
SCT_P1.2.9.1 FUN Verify the functionality of quit tab User is not currently working on Scratch activity window Click on the quit tab System should exist from the window. 1
1.3 Verify the Middle Panel in Scratch Activity
SCT_P1.3 FUN Verify the features of the Middle Panel in Scratch Activity. User is in Scratch activity window. Click on the Scratch icon System should navigated to Middle Panel and following features should be displayed* Capture.
  • Can rotate
  • Only face left to right
  • Don’t rotate
  • Script
  • Costumes
  • Sounds
SCT_P1.3.1 FUN Verify the functionalities of the can rotate. User is in Scratch activity window. Click on the can rotate button The image / animal should rotate right to left. 1
SCT_P1.3.2 FUN Verify the functionalities of the only face left - right User is in Scratch activity window Click on the only face left - right button The image / animal should turn only face left - right 1
SCT_P1.3.3 FUN Verify the functionalities of the don't rotate. User is in Scratch activity window Click on the don't rotate button The image / animal should not rotate 1
SCT_P1.3.4 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Scripts tab. User is in Scratch activity window Click on the Scripts tab System should be able to click and drag commands from right panel to middle panel. 1
SCT_P1.3.5 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Costume tab User is in Scratch activity window. Click on the Costume tab
  1. User could create new costume & could import costume.
  2. User could edit or copy the existing picture.
SCT_P1.3.6 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Sounds tab User is in Scratch activity window. Click on the Sounds tab
  1. User could record or import sounds.
  2. User should be able to play, pause or delete existing sounds.
1.4 Verify the Left Panel in Scratch Activity
SCT_P1.4 FUN Verify the features of the Left Panel in Scratch Activity User is in Scratch activity window. Click on the Scratch icon System should navigated to Left Panel and following features should be displayed* Capture.
  • Left Top
  • Left Bottom
SCT_P1.4.1 FUN Verify the features of the Left Top Panel in Scratch Activity User is in Scratch activity window. Click on the Scratch icon System should navigated to Right Panel and following features should be displayed
  • Move
  • Only face left to right
  • Delete
  • Grow sprite
  • Shrink sprite
  • Start green flag scripts
  • Stop everything
SCT_P1.4.1.1 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Move button. User is in Scratch activity window Click on the Move button User should be able to move the picture. 1
SCT_P1.4.1.2 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Duplicate button. User is in Scratch activity window.
  1. Click on the Duplicate button
  2. Place the cursor on the picture
  3. Click on it
User should be able to duplicate the picture 1
SCT_P1.4.1.3 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Delete button. User is in Scratch activity window
  1. Click on the Delete button
  2. Place the cursor on the picture
  3. Click on it
User should be able to Delete the picture 1
SCT_P1.4.1.4 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Grow Sprite button. User is in Scratch activity window
  1. Click on the Grow Sprite button
  2. Place the cursor on the picture
  3. Click on it
User should be able to Increase the size of the picture 1
SCT_P1.4.1.5 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Shrink Sprite button. User is in Scratch activity window
  1. Click on the Shrink Sprite button
  2. Place the cursor on the picture
  3. Click on it
User should be able to decrease the size of the picture 1
SCT_P1.4.1.6 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Start green flag scripts button. User is in Scratch activity window Click on the Start green flag scripts button System should display whatever the scripted activities. 1
SCT_P1.4.1.7 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Stop everything button. User is in Scratch activity window Click on the Stop everything button System should stop every activities. 1
SCT_P1.4.2 FUN Verify the features of the Left Bottom Panel in Scratch Activity. User is in Scratch activity window Click on the Scratch icon System should navigate to Right Panel and following features should be displayed.
  • Enter presentation mode
  • Paint new sprite
  • Choose new sprite from file
  • Get surprise sprite
SCT_P1.4.2.1 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Enter Presentation mode button. User is in Scratch activity window Click on the Enter Presentation mode button System should navigate to the presentation mode 1
SCT_P1.4.2.2 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Paint new sprite button. User is in Scratch activity window Click on the Paint new sprite button System should navigate to the Paint editor window & user could create whatever he want 1
SCT_P1.4.2.3 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Choose new sprite from file button. User is in Scratch activity window Click on the Choose new sprite from file button System should navigate to the New Sprite window & Select the want picture. 1
SCT_P1.4.2.4 FUN Verify the functionalities of the Get surprise sprite button. User is in Scratch activity window Click on the Get surprise sprite button System should get unexpected pictures. 1