Uploads by LarryTeck333

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
17:09, 22 May 2010 XOKids3rdMonthMay29version800px.gif (file) 92 KB May 29th 2010 edition of XO Kids. 1
19:00, 14 April 2010 OneHeartPerChildXOKIDSgif.gif (file) 135 KB Cartoon with my XO Kids logo. Larry Teckmeyer PS posted cartoon without logo too! 1
18:58, 14 April 2010 LarryTeck333FreeDist.gif (file) 312 KB Cartoon strip showing how whole XO Kids can Heal hurt ones! Then he fades to the back as she returns to her life. Larry Teckmeyer 2
18:55, 14 April 2010 OneHeartPerChildXOKIDSgifnologo.gif (file) 93 KB Was inspired by the sheet that came in my G1G1 XO. Larry Teckmeyer 1