Storage Indicator

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A storage indicator is built into the XO-1.5 and XO-1.75. It is the second LED on the left.

The indicator is managed by the main processsor. It is controlled by software.


By default the indicator lights when the internal storage is accessed. A user may learn how to predict the responsiveness of the laptop by watching the indicator.

Turning on the LED and leaving it on

cd /sys/devices/platform/leds-gpio/leds/storage
echo 1 > brightness

(unfortunately this requires root)

Assigning the LED to another trigger

For example, this makes the LED act as an AC online indicator:

cd /sys/devices/platform/leds-gpio/leds/storage
cat trigger
[list of possible triggers]
echo olpc-ac-online > trigger


XO-1.75 C1 has the light sensor next to the storage indicator. The storage indicator is turned off briefly during each sample capture. XO-1.75 B1 and A3 do not do this.