Story Jam New York/Registration

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Registration is now open.

What you can do

  • Come as part of a team creating something, start to finish, for the weekend; content, software, and hardware teams are welcome - apply here!
  • Come as a consultant working across multiple team projects in your area of expertise - apply here!
  • Sign up your group for a time slot to come in and record your stories - please contact Mel.
  • Help curate the content we've collected for the gallery showing Sunday - (coming soon)
  • Drop by and tell your story at our impromptu recording station any time during the weekend - please contact Mel, or walk by UNICEF's headquarters anytime on Saturday, or on Sunday morning - follow the signs!


We're looking for the following people - can you help us find them? No experience is necessary. If you're willing to learn what you need to know to do your job during the days of the Jam, we'd love your help. You can come by for a few hours on one day, or stay for all three.


  • Actors, musicians, storytellers, performers, orators, debaters
  • Writers, poets, archivists, historians, librarians
  • Sociologists, educators, anthropologists, designers
  • People from all ages, walks of life, languages, cultures, and backgrounds
  • We especially need people who can help find and organize groups of the above - particularly groups of children and non-English speakers.


  • Camera and sound operators - tiny roaming film crews
  • Wiki-fluent volunteers to edit, teach, and tutor the people who come
  • Hackers, coders, engineers - creating and modifying tools to fit participants on-the-fly
  • Film editors
  • We especially need people who can help us hash out and manage open-source tools and resources for the Jam.


  • Volunteers with nimble fingers and quick ears to participate in collaborative real-time transcription
  • Speak (or read or write or sign) more than one language? Help others find words in your language for the stories they want to tell.
  • We especially need people who would like to coordinate the translation effort and the film-festival/museum-like media display on Sunday afternoon.


  • Teachers, students, parents, and community members with ties to learning institutions in other countries who want to hold partner events mirroring this one in their location