Sugar Labs

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Sugar Labs is a member project and organization established on 15 May 2008 as part of the Software Freedom Conservancy.

Sugar Labs Foundation is being established to further extend Sugar, the highly acclaimed open source “learn learning” software platform that was originally developed for the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) XO laptop. Sugar is the core of the XO laptop’s human-computer interface; it provides a fun, easy-to-use, social experience that promotes sharing and learning. Sugar Labs will focus on providing a software ecosystem that enhances learning on the XO laptop as well as other laptops distributed by other companies, such as the ASUS Eee PC. Consistent with the OLPC mission to provide opportunities for learning, an independent Sugar Labs Foundation can deliver learning software to other hardware vendors and, consequently, reach more children.

Sugar Labs is dedicated to developing Sugar as a learning environment, focusing on developer outreach, platform independence, and support for hardware platforms likely to be used in educational environments.

Where to find Sugar materials


The Sugar roadmap is currently being organized on the Sugar Labs wiki; including discussions of Sugar on non-XO platforms. Much OLPC-related development is still being maintained and updated on this wiki. See Future releases for the status of OLPC XO-specific software development and the Fedora–OLPC mailing list.

General discussion on using Sugar in education takes place on the It's An Education Project, IAEP mailing list. The main mailing list for Sugar development in general is now, join sugar-devel here and visit irc:// for real-time developer chat (available as a web browser service at qwebirc).

Wiki coordination

Essays and data about Sugar and its development are being coordinated between this wiki and the new Sugar Labs wiki. We need to coordinate OLPC-specific and Sugar-specific materials. See OLPC:Transwiki#Sugar Labs for more information.


Many OLPC members and volunteers are active Sugar Labs participants. Chris Ball and Adam Holt are OLPC employees who have been elected by the community to the Sugar Labs Oversight Board.

Please visit Participate and Getting Involved if you are interested in contributing to shared, OLPC / Sugar Labs projects, but don't know how to get started...

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