Sustainable content communities

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In the context of matching up microgrants to content creators:

  • work out a way to coordinate funding with local standard of living. provide up to 4x the average wage; also have a standard stipend amount. put extra stipend funds into a trust to provide ongoing funding.
  • integrate stipends with small-scale saturation and community forming. have at least two recipients in any given location, one of them working to develop a lasting community and reporting process; tie this to continued participation the next summer. (as a way to prioritize applications)
  • have reporting on the short-term project, and longer-term followups. strongly suggest cross-project collaboration.

In the longer-term context of laying the groundwork for direct support of creators and localizers: assign internships dedicated to creating networks that can sustain long-term support of translation, text authoring, nature photography, voip provision, &c; and local internships to liaising local groups with such networks.

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