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Connect was written and has been maintained by Collabora as a test case for Tubes implementation.

Feature Requests

Due to other priorities the game features have not been completed.

The open bugs relate to missing features: [Connect bugs]

Starting a new game

Connect's D-Bus (Tubes) API needs to be extended to cater for the following:

  • Starting a new game when the current game ends
  • If there are watchers (over and above the two participants), the winner plays against the top watcher next
  • The loser goes to the bottom of the watchers list
  • Forfeiting the game if a player leaves during a game - and then starting a new game


It should track the scores - the 0s next to the player names should track how many games each has won.

Implementation Discussion

Inclusion Status

Connect has been removed from Update.1 builds since 639 because it is incomplete as a game. It remains in Joyride builds.