Talk:Educational content ideas/texts

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These are just one person's thoughts:

The initial launch countries include: Brazil, Nigeria, Libya, and Malaysia. Not everything That I've put down for content will necessarily play well in all of these countries, but, with that said, Brazillians will find one thing useful, and Nigerians another. I think that to not have the device cater to multiple levels of users would be a mistake. The Brazillians I've worked with are quite sharp, and there is a significant (15%+) portion of Brazillian youngsters that will want to stretch the thing to it's limits. I know I was this way in 5th grade when I received a programmable TI calculator. Think about it some and you will likely agree -- Brazil already Designs and Builds regional jets used by American Airlines as one example. In renewable fuels they are ahead of the US, with 40% of their fuel coming from ethanol. They build many of the modern wireless devices used in the US and around the world in Brazil and have design centers for wireless there as well. Nigeria has significant technology in it's petroleum industry, as do others.

On the inclusion of religious documents -- Not all of them will play in all places, but one should try to develop a better level of understanding between the different religions in some manor -- better with laptops than with bombs for all sides.

On the inclusion of US Historical documents -- these are what I know, If you are from another country, add your countries documents as well, The more there are the better global understanding of each other we will have. Finland might be interesting -- , as would Canada, and others.

Content source possibility

I'm not a part of the org, but wanted to suggest you get in touch with -- a group that both writes new manuals/textbooks (in multiple languages) for popular free software worthy of taking the place of big commercial programs, and also re-writes existing textbooks (with permission) to use free rather than commercial programs in examples. They offer all of their work for free online, with a way to combine bits of various manuals to make a new book.

They probably have volunteers that would be happy to help you make any changes needed to create versions focused on various age groups. Their existing work should be suitable for most teenagers & bright (or technically-oriented) pre-teens, however.