Talk:NPS:Special Education

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Note - the state law is Public Records not FOIA (there is a difference and it would make you more credible to use proper terms) - You do not and probably should not tell them why you want it.

There are statutory exemptions to the public records act - including attorney client privilge and matters relating to educational records of children. also be aware that Newton need not create any document not otherwise created in the ordinary cours of buisness. Thus for some of the data if it is not already in existence they need not create a report to provide it.

Having worked as public records officer for a state agency - i think you might want to ask for broader information and then submit additional requests. The broad scope of the request will raise concerns and they will balk at giving it to you. Be aware you must receive a response in 10 days BUT NOT THE DATA.

By the way, my son was in NPS from 1998-2003 (preschool, intergrated K, mainstream and substantially separate) then at my request and after 2 yrs of failure place at Cotting. he was the only elementary kid ever placed there and it was the best thing to happen.

I think Mozelle did a good job. Eileen Sullivan who ran early childhood was incredible. But we moved in 2004.
