Talk:XO-XS combination

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Anybody understands why my text to the pictures doesn't appear?--SvenAERTS 11:04, 17 June 2013 (UTC) Between the 2 square brackets it actually reads: File:Setting_up_the_server.JPG|400 px|left|The black computer is the XServer. So a server basically is a (regular) computer on which one has put server software. Server software that e.g. buffers pages visited, or holds a latest version of the whole wikipedia and specifies to only connect once every week to get the updates, i.e. the difference between the wikipedia it holds and the online wikipedia. The server software allows to create a section on the hard drive that holds a library of ebooks, class assignments/exercices by the teacher, etc. You can find out more on the XServer pages and talk to specialists there.