TestMtg, Sept 17, 2007

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Attending: Zack, Alex, Cameron, Mary Lou, Jim, Kim

  • Kim gave an update on the schedule - we are at code freeze; any changes to the code base need to go through Jim, Kim and J5. At this point we need to put as many test and devel resources as we can on documented what is working and work arounds for what isn't working so we can get past trial-3.
  • Updates:

Alex - Tested and found interesting journal bugs upgrading from 542 to 579. He will need to do that again when the bugs are fixed. He also created some test cases for localization testing. We had a good discussion with Jim on where to look for translation variables at the mfg data, config files, and how to try and figure out the state of our activities.

Alex and Kim outlined all the possible network configurations to isolate mesh and AP testing better. Alex is writing this up in the Test Config notes.

Zack - testing on WPA this week. He has created a detailed WPA test case. This week he will manually set two laptops to local link this week and try out some link local tests. There is also more detailed activity testing that can be done.

Kim will talk to Walter about narrowing down the number of activities that we want to ship on MP.

Cameron - swamped on RH products - won't have any time to work on olpc products for a while.