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Test case: Short name::Mesh network sharing
How to report results

Stream ,|x|Build stream::x}}
Category Test category::Network Sub-category Test subcategory::Activity Sharing
Component System component::Wireless and Network Manager
Feature [[System feature::Wifi Connectivity]]
Objective Test objective::Ensure laptops can connect to Mesh networks and collaborate
Tools Test tools::More than one XO-1 system, unless newer laptops have been updated to support Mesh networking.
Setup Test setup::Ensure that network and radio support is not disabled on any of the laptops.
Procedure [[Test procedure::Do the following:
  1. Using an XO-1, connect to a Mesh network in the Network view to force its creation. If a system update allows newer XO's to support mesh networks, you may also choose to use one of them as well.
  2. Have the other XO systems (that support mesh networking) to be tested connect to the same mesh network.
  3. Attempt to share the Chat (or another known working) activity between all of the laptops.]]
Expected Results
and Pass Criteria
Pass criteria::Mesh networks should allow XO systems to collaborate without the need for any network infrastructure. All laptops should see each other and the shared activity in the Network view.
Comments More notes::N/A
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