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Test case: Short name::20 laptops connect to XS through AP
How to report results

Stream ,|x|Build stream::x}}
Category Test category::Network Sub-category Test subcategory::XS
Component System component::Wireless and Network Manager
Feature System feature::http://wiki.laptop.org/go/TestPlan_8.2.0
Objective Test objective::This test is meant to ensure that 20 laptops can connect to a school server through an infrastructure AP; and browse the web.
Tools Test tools::XS, AP, 20 laptops
Setup [[Test setup::# Setup XS and its AP
  1. Clear out all network settings and registration settings]]
Procedure [[Test procedure::Execute this procedure on each laptop. If you start too many laptops at one time you will not be able to connect to the school server. Suggest no more than 5 at a time.
  1. To clear out network settings, from VT type: rm /home/olpc/.sugar/default/nm/netowrks.config
  2. To clear out registrations, from VT edit this file: /home/olpc/.sugar/default/config
  3. Remove the lines that start with [Server], server, and backup1
  4. Reboot the XO
  5. It should default to simple mesh 1
  6. Through the network neighborhood screen, force it to connect to the desired AP. NOTE: if you connect to the wrong AP, then restart and clear out settings and reboot again.
  7. After connecting to the correct AP; then click on 'Register' from the home screen
  8. Reboot the XO]]
Expected Results
and Pass Criteria
Pass criteria::At least 20 laptops should be able to connect to the school server if they are booted at varying times (no more than 3 or 4 in the same second).
Comments More notes::There are a lot of nuances with this test case. As the code gets more stable, it is important to update this test case to remove extra booting and to be able to start all the laptops at the same time.
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