Tests/USB stick

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NEEDED TEST PLAN: Try transferring each kind of file created by each activity to a usb stick. Try transferring them as clipboard objects as well as renamed files (sometimes mime type isn't applied until file is renamed).

Transfer a Journal entry between XOs


  1. Plug USB into the first XO.

I don't know how.

Transfer a photo between XOs


  1. Take a picture with the record activity, draw a picture with paint, or get an image from the internet, and drag it onto the clipboard of the XO.
  2. Scroll over the image's icon on the clipboard, and choose "Add to journal."
  3. Plug the USB stick into the XO.
  4. Go to the journal activity.
  5. Find the clipboard image entry in the journal, and drag it onto the USB stick icon at the bottom of the screen.
    • NOTE: Slightly broken at the moment. Need to rename file in the journal for mime type to be applied, and for the transfer to usb stick to work.
      • need to confirm whether this is still broken --Chihyu 16:03, 28 January 2008 (EST)
  6. Click on the USB icon, and find the image entry on the USB stick.
  7. Scroll over the USB icon, and select unmount.
  8. Take out the USB stick and Plug it into the second XO.
  9. Go to the journal activity of the second XO, and click on the USB icon.
  10. Drag the image file from the USB stick to the journal icon.
  11. Click on the journal icon to switch to the journal.
  12. Resume the image entry. (it can be viewed in either the browse or etoys activity)


  • The USB stick icon comes up in the journal when the stick is plugged in.
  • Dragging the image entry onto the USB icon transfers the image to the stick.
  • Selecting unmount gets rid of the USB stick icon in the journal.
  • You are able to locate the image file on the second XO.
  • Dragging the image file onto the journal icon puts the image in the journal.
  • You are able to view the image on the second XO.

Transfer a photo from an XO to a regular computer


  1. Follow the first 7 steps of Transfer a photo from an XO to another XO
  2. Plug the USB stick into a regular computer.
  3. Open the file with an image viewer application.


  • The file has the extension of .png, .jpg, or some other image type.
  • The file name remains the same.
  • You are able to view the image on the regular computer.

Transfer text from an XO to a regular computer


  1. Go into Write, and type a few lines of text.
  2. Copy the text.
  3. Scroll over the text icon in the clipboard, and select "Add to journal."
  4. Plug in the USB stick.
  5. Go to the journal.
  6. Drag the the "Clipboard object: Text" onto the USB stick icon at the bottom of the screen.
    • NOTE:Slightly broken at the moment. Need to rename file for it to be given the .rtf mime type and for transfer to usb to work.
    • Also, pressing ctrl s v in the write activity will allow you to save the file as certain mime type. The file will then have to be saved in the file system, and won't show up in the journal. (you will have to use the terminal to transfer the file to usb)
      • need to confirm whether the above 2 notes still hold --Chihyu 16:08, 28 January 2008 (EST)
  7. Hover cursor over the USB stick icon, and select "unmount" from the resulting menu.
  8. Take out the USB stick, and plug it into a regular computer.
  9. Open the file with a plain text reader, e.g. WordPad.


  • Dragging the text entry onto the USB stick transfers the file to the USB stick.
  • Selecting "unmount" gets rid of the USB icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • The name of the text file stays the same as shown in the Journal view on the XO.
  • You are able to view the text the regular computer with a plain text reader.