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Test case: Short name::Upgrades from older release
How to report results

Stream ,|x|Build stream::x}}
Category Test category::Upgrades Sub-category Test subcategory::Data integrity
Component System component::Datastore
Feature System feature::http://wiki.laptop.org/go/TestPlan_8.2.0#Installation.2FUpgrade
Objective Test objective::Use case is that someone has been using the major or minor release that is currently in the field. They upgrade to the new release and should be able to get to their journal entries and data from before the upgrade.
Tools Test tools::na
Setup Test setup::Start with a laptop running the current major release. This laptop should be re-imaged (cleaninstall) to this older version of code before the testing starts.
Procedure [[Test procedure::# Run the XO with the older version of code
  1. Run Write, Record, TurtleArt, Etoys, Browse, creating new user data and ensuring that it is saved
  2. Check that there are items in the Journal that can be resumed to bring you back to user data
  3. Upgrade using olpc-update to the latest version
  4. Use the Activity updater to upgrade the activities
  5. Ensure that the journal contains the same list of previously run activities
  6. Activities can be resumed at the same point they were left off]]
Expected Results
and Pass Criteria
Pass criteria::No data loss.
Comments More notes::
Release Stream Build Pass/Fail Trac Ticket(s) Comment(s) Date of Test
Software release::Candidate Build stream::8.2 Build number::760 PassFail::Pass ,|x| #x}} Comments::OLPC-update from 714 (release 8.1.3) to 760 (candidate 8.2.0) Created::

Software release::Candidate Build stream::8.2 Build number::760 PassFail::Pass ,|x| #x}} Comments::olpc-update from 703 (Update.1) to 760 (candidate 8.2.0) Created::

Software release::Candidate Build stream::8.2 Build number::760 PassFail::Fail ,|x| #x}} [[Comments::olpc-update from 656 (g1g1 ship) to 760 (candidate 8.2.0) - upgrade concluded successfully, but core Activities being tested (Write, Browse, Etoys, TurtleArt, Record) were not initially present after the upgrade, and reinstalling them (via Upgrade in the Control Panel) caused Journal issues. See associated trac tickets for more details.

It's possible that this is not an 8.2.0 bug but an Activities/Sugar/updating bug or something else; I'm going to re-run this test (with 656) again and see what happens.]]


Software release::Candidate Build stream::8.2 Build number::760 PassFail::Pass ,|x| #x}} Comments::olpc-update from 708 (Update.1) to 760 (candidate 8.2.0) Created::