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When many people say that they want to lose weight it is not so much the weight itself they are interested in, though they will worry about their weight, what they tend to mean is they want to lose fat. Fat from around their stomach, their rear, their legs, their chins or anything else they are worried about.

Fat Burning Furnace
The Diet Solution Program
Eat Stop Eat
Xtreme Fat Loss Diet
Master Cleanse Secrets

And with good reason. Not only have we become very superficial as a society but we have also created the idea of the slim 'waif' as something of an ideal. But whilst that may be the ideal that is less than healthy the wish to lose fat is certainly a healthy one - increased fat weight can lead to heart disease, diabetes and much more.

But whilst dieting can help us lose the fat we need it also brings its own dangers and problems. Far more effective at stripping fat from our bodies but leaving us healthy is use of exercise. The question then become - which exercises are best for burning the fat? No one wants to waste time and energy they could be using elsewhere so how should they go about burning fat?

Fat burning exercises

Fat burning is not the same as getting physically fit for sports, so be careful when you are researching ways to get fit. The target here is to slim your body down by trimming away fat, not to increase your speed over certain distances.

The best way to do that is to do a lot of low intensity cardio work that works a number of muscles. This is because high intensity builds muscle, which whilst burning fat will also be increasing size rather than trimming fat.

So what are the best fat burning exercises?

Certainly top of the list is swimming. 1 Hours swimming at a decent (though not punishing) pace can burn as much as 1,400 calories, which is a massive amount. The reason for this is that swimming uses so many different muscles to power through the water. Obviously which muscles vary between the different strokes but in the main you will be working shoulders, arms, chest, legs, back and abs - this will tighten, tone and strip fat very quickly.