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Logo foo.jpg Informatics solutions for a better world.

föO flying over Ocean S.L, is a spanish company created by people very interested in to improve the world. Our first objective is to improve everything that can be improved by informatics solutions.

We call to these projects, our little big projects and the first of them called föO station, has been selected by Government of Extremadura like one of the twenty best business project in 2012 in this region. föO has entered in an official program for find private investment for its project.

föO flying over Ocean is in Urban Building (New Business Center), Pio Baroja street, 7 office 11, Mérida, 06800 Badajoz Spain. Our e-mail corporative account is and our corporative website is

Foostation logo.jpg

föO station is a low cost telemedicine solutions, built based to recycled computer equipment or low cost equipment like Raspberry-Pi or OLPC laptops XO. We want to create three telemedicine stations, one of them a telemedicine station installed in a hospital or medical center room. Other a mobile telemedicine station for hospitals or medical center and the last one a mobile telemedicine station for doctors in remote areas. In this case we are thinking in use OLPC laptops XO.

As Mahatma Gandhi said: "We should to be the change that We want to see in the world" and föO wants to change the world