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fr Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
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Nuvola apps edu miscellaneous.png This user is a undergraduate student– Business Admnistration at Laval University

As a student in a high school program in which learning activities were all supported by ICT use, I experienced the broad range of benefits of this teaching approach. I firmly believe that bringing XO computers into ÉNS-B elementary school will broaden the horizons of children taking part to the project.

Since September 2008, I have been pursuing undergraduate studies in Business Administration at Laval University, with the goal of specializing in Management Accounting. Having a strong interest in education, which I believe is at the heart of our society's development, I hope to be able to use my Business Administration knowledge to contribute to this great initiative.

I'm a member of the ENS & Laval University OLPCorps team

justine gilbert