User:Kevgor/Current Reflash to Custom Install Image using Ntugigroup USB stick

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1-step reflash process using aquare-game-key and old OOB build

These instructions are used to re-flash an Ntugigroup XO to a custom unsigned build, using an Ntugi group provided un-signed OOB from the appropriate Ntugi Group supplied USB thumb drive.

This is a one-step refresh and install process takes around 20 minutes from start to finish on an XO 1.0; and about 25 minutes on an XO 1.5 due to more software being installed onto the XO 1.5. The same process is also used on an XO 1.75.

The XO 1.0, and XO 1.5, and XO 1.75 machines, although similar in look and feel, are of very different architectures with very different capabilities. The OOB Ntugi custom-build sticks, and this procedure, are shared for both these models of the machine. There are different sticks for the 11.3.1 F14 based builds and the 12.1.0 F17 based builds.

The procedure involves replacing the entire operating system, and the default Sugar Activities, with ta master copy, which has been saved onto the USB Refresh stick. Any work previously saved on the XO internal storage since delivery, or any new programs or activities installed on internal storage since delivery, will be erased in this procedure. All Sugar journal entries on main storage will also be erased. At the end of this install, the machine internal memory will be exactly as it was when originally deployed by the Ntugi Group image on the USB drive. If this is the same USB drive that was used for the initial deployment, then this could alternately be termed: Return to Defaults. Be advised that during this process, no changes are made to any external SD cards or other USB flash drives. So, if there is any content you wish to save before the reflash, please ensure it exists either on the SD card, or on a user's USB thumb drive before proceeding. If in doubt, contact the appropriate technical resource to ensure that no valuable information will be lost.

To begin, ensure the XO is turned off. Plug the charger into the wall, and the other end into the XO. Ensure that XO is fully charged by observing that the green battery light is on. If an XO is completely discharged, it can take a few hours for the yellow light to turn green. Being fully charged and having line power may not be mandatory in all re-flash circumstances, but it is the best practice.

Put the Refresh USB stick in the right hand vertical XO USB port.

Press the power button, then quickly hold down only the square game key - on the front right side set of game keys beside the display - the ones right above the power button.

Release the game key when prompted on the screen. If this prompt does not appear, and the machine just continues to boot, then after the system comes up and is running, power it off elegantly (using a shutdown command). Start again: perhaps being faster on hitting, or more accurate at holding down, that one game key.

On an XO-1, the screen will now show a grid of rectangles, and will then slowly fill the rectangles as the image is loaded from the USB stick into internal storage.

On an XO 1.5 and XO 1.75, there will be alternating green and white fill rectangles during this part of the process.

When it has finished installing the base image, the Linux Operating system and the two operating desktop environments, Sugar and Gnome are both available on the machine. On first boot, the XO will begin to start the Sugar environment. You will be asked to Name the machine. Please use a unique name.

After naming the machine, you will be prompted to change the colour of the machine icon. You may elect to just hit return here, if having accurately matched coloured icons is not required in your deployment.

At the top right of the screen there are two small icons. The square with 4 lines across it on the right corresponds to the ‘List View’ of Sugar Activities. Beside that is the circle which corresponds to selecting the 'Favourites' wheel view of the activity icons. Place the pointer on the square, and hit the left-click button. You will now have changed from the Favourite Home View to the List View of activities. You will most likely wish to look at the ‘List View’ of the activities again, and click the star beside any which you would also like to see on the favourites wheel view, that have not appeared. removed by this refresh.

You will then also need to re-attach to your network, since your previous network settings will have been. Please be reminded that the Network Neighbourhood View key is the 3rd key from the left on the top row of the keyboard, looking like a circle with eight dots in it. To return to the home activity view, one can then use the Home key, which is also on the top row of the keyboard. It is a circle with a single dot in it.

If you are connected to a network, perhaps check the browse activity at this time to ensure you have internet connectivity. At this point, you can then switch to the Gnome desktop, through the My Settings panel in Sugar, attach to the desired Network in Gnome, then return to Sugar. This procedure ensures that future boots will automatically attach to the last connected network.

This completes the full refresh of the XO.

Nota Bene

Following is the content of the olpc.fth script stored in the /boot/ directory of the USB key. The images must use the new naming convention of having a 'xxxxxxxx0' representing an XO-1 image, a 'xxxxxxx1.zd' for a XO1.5 image, and a 'xxxxxxx2'.zd for an XO 1.75 image. These images must be in the root directory. The forth script must be called olpc.fth and be in the boot sub-directory off the root. It is also important that the machines all have security-disabled in order to use this technique.

\ OLPC boot script

\ visible

\ Returns a number identifying the XO version - 2 for XO-1, 3 for XO-1.5
: xo-version  ( -- n )  ofw-version$ drop 1+ c@ [char] 0 -  ;  

\ To pass hardware specific arguments we define the xo-1? and xo-1.5? flags   
\ Returns true if the machine is XO-1
: xo-1?  ( -- flag )  xo-version 2 =  ;

\ Returns true if the machine is XO-1.5
: xo-1.5?  ( -- flag )  xo-version 3 =  ;

\ Returns true if the machine is XO-1.75
: xo-1.75?  ( -- flag )  xo-version 4 =  ;

button-square game-key? if
   xo-1? if
      " copy-nand u:\*0.img" eval
      xo-1.75? if
          " fs-update u:\*2.zd" eval
          " fs-update u:\*1.zd" eval
   CR ." Rebooting in ten seconds. "
   1000 ms
   " int:\boot\olpc.fth" to boot-device
   load show-going go