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en This user is a native speaker of English.
EDU Grades: 11-12
Subjects: Physics I and II
School: Noblesville HS
Country: Indiana, US

About Me

I currently teach physics but have experience and more training in teaching math. I am just beginning to scratch the surface of the myriad of avenues for integrating technology use into my instruction. I teach at Noblesville High School.

Contact Information


Interests and Expertise

Inquiry Education, cross-curricular education, differentiation, creating authentic learning experiences for my students

Current Projects

Currently, myself and two other teachers at my school are attempting to develop a project that gets kids involved in contributing to the OLPC project in a variety of ways. We are exploring options such as engaging some of our more technically gifted students in some of the software development projects, utilizing advanced foreign language students and English Language Learners in doing translation for various OLPC projects, developing curriculum utilizing XO computers, linking students in our district with XO student users around the world for cultural and educational exchange and collaboration and a variety of other ideas we are floating around.

Learning Activities

Past Projects