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Jams in general

  • How to run a Jam
    • Send to Omar, Roberto Faga, Shankar, php5, Lauren, SJ, Wayne, Josh, Leslie (Google)

Curriculum jam

  • Find local coordinators
    • New York: Lauren (confirm she's finding one)
    • Boston: Josh (confirm he's finding one)
    • Manila: help! (ask Yolynne for help)
    • Korea: php5 (ask what's up)
    • Mexico: Philipp <> (confirm)
    • Thailand - Roger, Santi (ask if they're interested)
    • Nepal (ask if they're interested)
    • Vancouver: Wayne (confirm he's finding one)
  • Send local coordinators (or people finding them) link to how to run a Jam resources

Manila jam

  • Find local coordinator
  • Find a way to get to Manila
  • Find location

Old Boston game jam

  • Making sure Game Jam prizes reach winners (SJ)
  • Clear up finances (Ben, SJ)

New Boston game jam

  • Find coordinator