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About me

Now retired, I was teaching computer science in Geneva at the Cycle d'Orientation (12-15 years old children), and working on the use of computer at school.

Now, I'm going on working for the French speaking Squeak community. See the wiki of the french Squeak comunity



I have written a visual scripting system, V-toys using Etoys. A special subset of tiles is intended to very young children (with more visual feed back) that are not able to read. The normal V-toys enabel collaboration and exchange of projects between children speaking different language.

In French: V-toys

In English: V-toys_international with a version dedicated to the OLPC Squeak image.

If you can try it on an XO, please give me feed back p.a.dreyfuss at

Etiquettes actives

A more simpler programming system for beginners.

in French: Etiquettes_actives

in English: In my To Do list.


V-Geom is a visual program for building figures in geometry V.Geom I have added english comments to the visuals comment in this page.

Comments are using the same visual rules for comments than V-toys.

Expert system and Geometry

Geometry and Expert system

These pages (in French) are describing different ways getting deductions by rules in an experts getting facts from V-Geom or DrGeo.

Expert system

(Only in French) (in Progress) An expert system written in Smalltalk easy to use by children. expert system

Tic tac toe

(Only in French) The game board made with Etoys and piloted by rules in the expert system.

tic tac toe


video: presentation of V-toys at c5